hello everyone
    praise God it has been a while since i wrote to joynet .i just want to
share an experience i had today with u all.i had micro processor ;lab exam and
i want to thank all of u who prayed for me .Actually it was nothing short of a
miracle for me.
i stood there for 3 .5 hrs and still had no output.at last before executing i
said a little prayer and tried to do it once more,last attempt .praise God it
worked .i called sir who was really hot since i had taken more than half hour
more.and it was my last chance,
then he gave me 5 numbers and asked me to give the output.i enterd the no and
pressed exec ....and there was the result he wanted . then he told another sir
to ask viva to me.and this sir asked real simple qstns.thank God...well when i
reached home i found out that my logic in doing the pgm was wrong .and the pgm
showed correct result only for a specific combination of no:s......and this is
the best part ...my sir gave me the exact combination ,Praise God.
i really thank God for giving me such a wonderful group of people who would
pray for me,thank u all....it is a real privilage .remembering all of u in my
luv deepak.

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