Yuppp!! this is what I beleive in too!

Around two years back...when I had newly joined the prayer grp...I had
similar experiences..."Clash of views and opinions". At that time I was
so tempted to leave the prayer grp...but my brother left me thinking with
this simple reflection..."what is your motive behind going for prayer
meeting"... are you going to experience the love of God and build a
relationship with Him....or are you going so that your opinions and views
may be accepted"!

This kind of changed my whole outlook! And this has always acted as a
check for me....whenever I'm not too pleased with with wots happening...I
kinda ask myself "Whom am I focusing on"? on JESUS or on the material
things! And then I ask the Spirit of The Living God to fall afresh on me
and on the people around me....so that I may understand the will of God!

Luv n prayers,
Jennifer D'souza




>From: sheril daniel >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: [JOYnet] Re:
>Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 07:10:31 -0700 (PDT) > >In response to Anita's
mail, I think that was an interesting story and very relevant too. >I
remember when we used to have prayer groups during my undergrad years in
SME (Kottayam) and sometimes when someone did not agree with someone
else's point of view or behaviour, especially when it was from the so
called "leaders" I was tempted to stop coming for all those prayer
meetings. I don't remember who it was but someone told gave me a lovely
piece of advice. "Don't let the focus of your prayer group be on anyone
else but the 'real leader' Jesus Christ". >Diversity will always be
present in any group of people because we are all individuals and we all
have our own beautiful way of thinking and reasoning. However when we
concentrate on ourselves and our thoughts, when pride takes over, or when
we become so narrow minded that we think only we are right, our original
focus shifts to a new one. the new focus could be anything related to the
group, it could be another individual, it could be one's own
glorification, anything, but that is immaterial. what is important is
that we realise what the point of our group meeting was in the first
place and readjust our vision and our energies to our original focus
point. >with love in Jesus >sheril daniel :) >grahamstown, south africa
>anitha dsouza wrote:My dear friends, > >Just want to share with you a
story for reflection. >It would be nice if we could read the story
carefully >, think, pray and reflect about it and share our >inspirations
with our beautiful group…..which I am >sure will help many of the prayer
groups all round. >So please do share your thoughts after you have gone
>through this, > >Once, there were two angels, the good one named
>Gabriel and the one who had stood against God whose >name was Lucifer;
both of them went on to tour the >whole world. >As they came across a
small village, both of them >happened to glance at a poor villager,
ploughing his >fields, singing joyfully the spiritual hymns that he >had
often heard in the church. > >They both knew that, he was a simple and a
humble man, >who was pure in heart and did no harm to anybody. >Gabriel
was indeed pleased to see him, so joyfully >absorbed in his work and
decided to reward him more, >so that he would be an effective instruement
of >Christ. >As the farmer went on ploughing, Gabriel threw down a
>little ‘ grace of evangelization’ towards his path. >The farmer suddenly
caught hold of the grace, gave >thanks to the Lord , left his plough in
the fields and >ran into the village, with His new found mission to
>evangelize. > >Gabriel, being very pleased with the farmers response,
>challenged Lucifer, ‘See, how eager the Lords people >are, to carry out
their missions on earth. This >person is going to be a great evangelizer
and is going >to draw more and more crowds towards the kingdom of
>heaven.’ > >At this challenge, Lucifer laughed out loudly, and >threw
back another challenge at Gabriel. >‘You say, this person is going to
draw vast crowds >towards the kingdom of heaven; >You know what I will
do? I will wait, till he goes to >his village and starts telling
everybody of his new >found grace. And then, more and more people will be
>attracted towards him; and his teaching; he will make >fellow believers
and finally He will form a large >group of people, who will gather every
now and then >for their fellowship gatherings, there will be praise >and
worship and singing of hymns in those >gatherings……..’ > >Gabriel was
indeed pleased when he heard all of this >from Lucifer, He started
imagining the great group >which will focus on worshipping the Lord and
telling >others about their faith. > >It was then, that Lucifer continued
his talk, >‘And when the group is all set and ready and well
>functioning, >I will put my seeds of jealousy, greed for power, >hatred
and misunderstandings in that group, and start >of with simple diversity
of ideas which will later >form into major arguments and finally when the
group >is disrupted, I will bring all those large crowds of >people
towards me. >Thus, with your single seed of grace, I will make vast
>number of followers for myself.’ > >Gabriel was angry and furious on
hearing this and said >sternly ‘THIS WILL NEVER HAPPEN.’ And they parted
>their ways, each waiting eagerly to see what the >outcome was going to
be……… > > >My dear friends, this was only a story, but does it in >some
ways reflect truth in our fellowship >gatherings……. >It was a challenge
between good and evil……. >We too, may be members of various prayer
groups, cell >groups…..and the like….. >Diversity of ideas can come in
our groups too….. >When such situations arise, whom shall we allow to win
>the challenge….? The good or the evil????? When we >see certain things
which affect the harmony of the >groups taking place withen our groups,
what are the >steps that we can take to prevent the devil from >having
his victory……????? >love in christ, >anita, >kuwait >Yahoo! Health - Feel
better, live better >http://health.yahoo.com >
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