Dear JY's, it's a nice sharing by Jason,Anitha,Smiju...

Praying for others… it really necessary? Experience is our best teacher. I also remember a small incident.

One of my friends had no sacrament of confession since long time. I insisted him to go for a confession. But every time he used to say many excuses. Later I took him to the church, and waited to see he is going for confession. But he didn’t. Again I murmured in his years “go now otherwise the father my leave the confessional”. His answer was despairing, “I will do it next time”. I fed up with this guy and finally surrendered him to the Lord and prayed, “Lord give him enough strength to go for a confession”.

Immediately he rushed like a rocket to the confessional and had a very good confession. He received the communion also and I could see the joy on his face. Later after the mass he asked me, “brother did you pray for me, because I was too nervous to go for a confession but some power pushed me to the confessional”. I smiled and enjoyed in God’s miracles through our simple prayers.

After reading this, will you pray for a young man, 29 year old having wife (Nurse in Kuwait) and 3 year old baby seriously spread by cancer.

Love & Prayers
Sebastian / Kuwait.

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