Dear Friends,
When your share your self, you are realy offering a piece of your heart.

That is what Jason did... he cut a piece of his heart and gave us. It touched me a lot. I am not able to keep my hands together to give and e-clap...

We all love you Jason. We pray for you family.

"Lord not mine but thy will be done"

with lots of lov & prayer
smiju joseph, auh

From: "Jason :)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Praying for others.
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 15:51:06 +0530

Dear JYs
and more especially Smiju who invoked my reply on any one of my experience
connected to the prayer "Lord not mine but thy will be done".

I would like to make this reply as short as possible because its really
difficult to pull out any special moment in my life where the use of this
phrase has really impacted my life largely. Because whenever I have applied
this Prayer to my life the Results have always been wonderful, special and
heart rendering. Take for example just two days ago my brother (who is also a
joynetter) was working for a shoddy organisation. He was supposed to give an
interview. We all sought's God's will and prayed. Yesterday he went for the
interview. He cleared in flying colours and will be joining most probably on
the 23rd.

However, I would like to mention one which has always been dear to me. It was
the period before my Daddy could expire. When our family entered into the
renewal my daddy thoroughly refused to be a part of it. He had his excuses
including his drinks and his ciggy. It was then in a Prayer Meeting which we
attended did we hear a preaching on God's Will. It was then my mum and me
decided to submit Daddy and all his bad habits to the Will of God.

In the meantime My father was admitted for a Prostrate Gland Operation.
However during examination in the hospital the Doctors found out that my dad
had Cancer in the advance Stages and wouldnt be able to last for the week. I
hadnt even attended a single retreat then. Yet I remember standing outside
that operation theatre with my mother as we prayed the Rosary repeatedly and
uttering the words "Lord everything will happen as you want it to happen, we
trust you."

Daddy surived the operation but his bladder was removed. Instead of living for
one week went on to live for two years beating all the doctors expectation. In
the meantime our whole family including Daddy got to know more about the
wonderful Lord. After the operation Daddy refused drinks and smoking. And
within one month of the operation started joining our family (we three
brothers + mum) in regular Praise and Worship at home. Those moments will
always be special to us.

For two years Daddy suffered yet in those suffering he would always Praise and
Thank God. After two years Daddy starting slowing down. He started getting
body aches and starting getting tired regularly. When we finally did a check
up again we found that Cancer resurfaced. In the meantime we did a checkup and
found out that this time again Doctors had given up hope. We again now as
family along with Daddy starting praying fervently that God's will be
manifested. However, Daddy's condition kept on detoriating.

We had this sinking feeling that Daddy was soon going to be no more. We wanted
God to keep him alive. Yet on the other hand we couldnt bear to see Daddy
suffer. In the end that one Line "Lord not mine by thy will be done." was our
only ultimate prayer.

On May 16, 2000 one day after my Parents 23rd Wedding Anniversary, Daddy
expired at 3.00 am just when my mom was saying the Divine Mercy. When I look
at those days when the doctors had given Daddy only 1 week to live and yet
Daddy lived for 2 years, accepted the Jesus as his lord and saviour somethig
which he never did for 56 years - It really cemented my belief in "THE WILL OF

urs in faith

Mumbai, India

Lord, I do not know what to ask of You.
You know what I need.
You love me better than I know how to love myself.
O Heavenly Father, give to me what I know not how to ask or dare not ask.
I open my heart to You.
Take my needs and do according to Your mercy.
Do with me what You will.
I will be silent. I offer myself to You.
I accept Your will. Lord, teach me how to pray. Amen.
----- Original Message -----
From: Smiju Joseph
Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 2:34 AM
Subject: Re: [JOYnet] Praying for others.

I was reading Jason's mail.
It is realy good. Isn't it my friends?
And the one line prayer touched me (Lord not mine but thy will be done.)

Ok now let us ask Jason about this.
Ok, Jason. can you please share to Joynet one of your experience connected
to this prayer.

with love and prayer
smiju joseph, auh

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