It has been repeatedly stated that jQuery has NO plans to drop support
for IE7, and that pretty much everything in jQuery that is there for
IE7 also is there for IE6, meaning that support for the two pretty
much comes in tandem.  IE6 is a bitch to develop for, we all know
that, but I don't think we need a "drop IE6 support from jQuery"
thread on this list once a month.

On Jul 22, 12:42 pm, DBJDBJ <> wrote:
> The more advanced web app is , the more difficult its team to support
> IE6/7.
> M$FT and the rest of us are quickly reaching the point where
> supporting IE6/7 is not feasible any more.
> When M$FT reaches that point, it will be "game over" for IE6/7.
> It is as simple as that.
> PS: M$FT is already reaching this point not because of love for
> javascript or jQuery, but because of support for Office 2010,
> Silverlight and XAML in general. If they have decided to label XP as
> "not compatible" they will certainly have no problems to kill of IE6/7
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