Rick Faircloth wrote:
My biggest question with my server-side code is how to make sure these three related tasks are handled

Exactly what I'm trying to address.

It would basically be (on the server-side validation page):

- if JS or Ajax is available, return the results that way
- if no JS or Ajax is available then just go the normal route
  and refresh the page

How to answer the "if" in the question is what I'm after.

The request you get from the browser should tell you. And, as I said, if the request is for a new page, it doesn't do you any good to magically see if JS is available, since if you don't return a full page, the browser is going to choke. And if the request was for an AJAX response, wrongfully determining that JS is off and returning the whole page is just going to throw errors in your working JS.

> This discussion is disappointing so far, in that there seems to be no > way to determine if the call were made via Ajax. Correct?

From server-side code alone? Yes. That's what we've all been saying. But the client side request can tell the server this. The simplest thing is just to add a post parameter that says "ajaxOn=true" or some such, then check for that server-side. It wasn't included in the HTML, or it was set to false, so if it's true, the server knows to respond with an AJAX request. It's pretty straightforward.

  -- Scott

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