
><!---// if this is an AJAX call, we must return JSON data //--->
><cfif structKeyExists(url, "ajax") and url.ajax>
>       <!---// clear all generated data //--->
>       <cfcontent type="text/xml" reset="true" />
>       <cfoutput>{
>               success: #stAction.success#,
>               message: "#jsStringFormat(stAction.message)# [AJAX]"
>       }</cfoutput>
>       <cfexit method="exitTemplate" />

Don't pay too much attention to the ex2_process.cfm in the example. It's
used for all of the ex2.1*.cfm templates.

For the ex2.3_mailing_list_validation.cfm example, the code above would
*never* be executed.

I just sent another message that hopefully will clear things up for you. 


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