Yeah we just need to do that for the min version as well. I prefer to use
the min version and gzip ... better results. jQuery is only 11kb with this

Back to the original topic ... the plugins directory of the repository also
uses ant to build files. These ant tasks are setup to take advantage of the
jquery.plugin_name.js standard. Changing the naming scheme would cause
problems. It is however, very important to keep a version number and at
least a revision number and last modified date in the header ... even for
compressed plugins. If it isn't in the plugin authoring guide ... it should
be. Perhaps even a note about how to add the svn properties like $REV$.

Brandon Aaron

On 6/13/07, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ⓙⓐⓚⓔ wrote:
> I thought about that! I tend to download both versions ... I sometimes
> want to look at what I'm using!
The latest build script adds the copyright header, including the
version, to all packed scripts. Very handy.

Jörn Zaefferer

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