Hi John,

What I've done is show you a list of plugins that seem to target what you want. Now you need to flush out what's missing and articulate that.


John Farrar wrote:

Rey Bango wrote:

Hi John,

Ext definitely has a great look to its widgets. There are controls though that meet most of these needs:

1. Tree (like the one in EXTjs)
Nice proof of concept... needs more to be EXTjs ready . (Drag n Drop is amazing in EXT, just to name one difference that is a must.)

2. Grid (like the one in EXTjs)
Likewise the grid needs to be editable, and much more. This is a good start on one feature, but not road ready to help truly put jQuery on the AJAX premier solutions list.

3. Windows component. (Popup divs rather than windows that are select box safe of course)
Nice modal, but the window component needs work for sure still. :) Now the interface window was great!
4. Dialogs (msgBox, inputBox, etc.)... modal ready  of course.
Same links as for number 3.
5. slider input (feeds a hidden form field of course) with dual sliders range points of course
Nice demo... Slow loading in IE and FF also. (I have checked these out before and don't remember that issues.)
6. color requestor
I am partial to the other color requester. But that is because I think color in the color wheel more.
7. date/time requestor
Great calendars.
8. drag/drop tile/list components with common drag data interface for clean interaction
Interface is good here again. They need to fix one demo to run right in IE. (The portal type demo doesn't work right if you empty a column.)
9. Menus
Nice concept... little to grid like. Needs to be more free flowing for user acceptance.
10. toolbar (sorry, not sold on the ribbon as good web senario yet... heh.)
This is more of the menu but how would you use it as a toolbar? Got a link?

You may know about all of these already but I just wanted to point them out just in case. If these meet your needs, then a better option might be to specify specific features that you would like a plugin to do.


BrightLight Development, LLC.
954-775-1111 (o)
954-600-2726 (c)

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