Rob Desbois wrote:
Happy Friday 13th all ;-)

Just mocking up a new interface and attempting to use floated <div>s for layout. The right div of two floated next two each other needs to be a tabbed container...but the tabs plugin floats the <li> elements then does a clear:both afterwards which breaks my layout.

I have a feeling I'll be playing with it all afternoon to try and change this, but can anyone assist and point me in the right direction? I like the positioning as it is but just need it to not use floats...


In case it's useful, the code I am using is below.


    div#sidebar {
       float: left;
       width: 15%;

    div#content {
       margin-left: 16%


    <div id='sidebar'>
       <div id='content'>
             <li><a href="#tab-1">Tab 1</a></li>
<div id="tab-1">Tab 1</div>

Each tab <div> (i.e. "#tab-1" in this instance) will appear *below* the sidebar because of these two tabs styles:

    .tabs-nav:after { /* clearing without presentational markup, IE gets
    extra treatment */
        clear: both;

    .tabs-nav li {
        float: left;

Funnily enough it 'works' in IE6 - but this is because the clear:both is broken by the IE-specific style.

Rob, I tried to reproduce that behavior to come up with a solution, can it be that the HTML you posted here isn't correct?

The way it is I don't have any problems but also don't get the point.

Shouldn't it look like:

<div id="sidebar"></div>
<div id="content">
        <li><a href="#tab-1">Tab 1</a></li>
    <div id="tab-1">Tab 1</div>



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