Jörn and Olivier,

Thanks so much for the feedback!

One cool thing is that the tooltip is being positioned out of the position of the hovered element
rather than attached to the mouse cursor position.
That is a sooo much more cleaner result IMO.

Olivier, glad you like the positioning. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out where to put the clueTip, and there are still a couple edge cases that I think I could refine a bit. Actually, it does get positioned relative to the mouse position as a fallback -- if the clueTip is attached to a block-level element or to an element so wide that the clueTip wouldn't be able to fit either to the right or to the left of it.

About sticky tooltips: I'd find it much handier to be able to click anywhere outside the tooltip to close it, instead of a tiny close link.

I definitely see your point there. I'll add that to the to-do list.

I'd even consider replacing the close-link alltogether: The user then has to find out how to close it, which could be ugly, but most likely he will try to click either the tooltip or outside of out, therefore very quickly learning how to close it. That may be worth to avoid that he ever bothers with the close-link when he doesn't have to.

Not sure I'd want to get rid of the Close link altogether, but I'll give it some thought.

For hoverIntent integration: You could pass through defaults.hoverIntent when calling it. That'd force you to seperate the call to hover and hoverIntent, but may be worth it.

I thought that's what I was doing, but I'm probably misunderstanding what you're saying. If you don't mind elaborating on this one, I'd love to hear it.

I hope the pngfix plugin is ready soon enough, currently its undo method is broken for background-images.

me too! for now, though, I think the png fix that I've implemented (taken and stripped down from your excellent tooltips plugin) works well enough.

Funny to see that jquery.cluetip.js is exactly one line less then the latest jquery.tooltip.js :-)


Speaking of lines/file size -- I wrote tons of inline documentation, so I hope the uncompressed file size (13.5kb) doesn't scary people off. If you strip out all the comments, it gets quite small (4.9kb) and packing it with Dean Edwards's Packer makes it smaller still (3.3kb). (Man, i've got to learn how to use that automated Ant stuff!)

Karl Swedberg

On Jul 13, 2007, at 2:08 PM, Jörn Zaefferer wrote:

Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:
One cool thing is that the tooltip is being positioned out of the position of the hovered element
rather than attached to the mouse cursor position.
That is a sooo much more cleaner result IMO.
Yep, that is really cool.

Jörn Zaefferer


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