On Jul 18, 1:43 am, "Ganeshji Marwaha" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In the demo, once i click, the action gets cancelled too quickly before i
> understand that i need to click it again... Also, i guess it is pretty
> difficult to explain this to the user...

You're right - i had the timeout delay set very low because when
testing it it gets really annoying to wait a full 3 seconds (the
default timeout period). i've re-set it to 3000ms.

> There should be some other way, instead of just time before which the event
> is cancelled.

That would involve adding another UI element, which is part of what i
was trying to avoid. Any ideas which don't involve an extra UI element
or dialog?

> Just thinking out loud, maybe something like clicking outside the button
> cancels it... i dont know....

That could have weird semantics in some use cases:
Let's say i have a Delete Object button which performs the delete
UNLESS i "confirm" the action (that is, it's usage is backwards - i'm
going to delete unless you cancel the deletion by clicking the confirm

Granted, that would be an unusual use case, but users often come up
with weird things to do.

Stealing a click like that could lead to other confusion, as the
widget the user actually clicked on (a hyperlink, form control, or
other button) doesn't get the click. We might be able to pass on the
click by figuring out what the coordinates are, but that gets very
ugly very quickly.

Also, i'm not 100% sure that i could get the click-anywhere event
handling working cross-browser. i only have Linux machines, so i can't
test on the most popular (MSIE) and most esoteric (Safari) browsers. A
quick look at the subject lines of the last 100 posts in this forum
suggest that about 20-30% of the users have some sort of problem which
applies on to MSIE, and i don't want to do anything in jQuery which is
so tricky that the world's most popular browser cannot handle it.

> I know, we can increase the timing there, but still, i am not sure if the
> "timing" approach is the best for "confirm" kinda dialog. For "undo" style
> dialogs that probably is a better idea...
> Just something to ponder...

In principal i agree with what you're saying, but i don't think the
click-anywhere-else is the proper solution, and i don't have any ideas
which don't involve an extra UI element or dialog box.

i'm open to suggestions. Keep in mind that this particular plugin is
intended to be light-weight and free of dependencies on other plugins
(e.g. Dimensions would be useful for the click-anywhere support, i

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