On Jul 18, 1:58 am, "Dan G. Switzer, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'll also confirm that my finding the majority of non-hardcore users tend to
> double-click. Heck, one of my previous supervisors used to double-click
> every thing on a web page.

My girlfriend does the same (and it drives me up a wall), but i hadn't
considered that when i wrote the plugin :(. This is the first serious
TODO on my list, as soon as i find a tractable solution.

Does disabling the element for 500ms sound like a reasonable solution
to you? i'm not sure that disable makes much sense for non-buttons,
but i think that buttons will make up 90%+ of use cases.


Speaking of past supervisors: i had one who was a two-finger typist
(each index finger) and he seemed to not know what the SHIFT key was
for. To capitalize letters he would tap CAPSLOCK, then the letter,
then CAPSLOCK again. Watching him type made my stomach turn.

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