Finally.  Someone else feels my pain.  I had just posted a message to
this group today about this as well.  I just wish there was an easier
way to remove that flicker/bounce that happens with the jQuery
standard slideUp/slideDown.  Having to call in that many scripts to
get this effect seems pretty un-jQuery.  But nice work!

On Aug 1, 11:18 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My company redesigns a web site. Our head designer (as apple fan)
> decided to put nasty inverted hover accordion on new site. So,
> yesterday I started to develop a 
> prototype:
> Structure is:
> <ul>
>   <li>
>     <div class="omot">
>         <a class="naslov_stavke">Naslov stavke 1</a>
>           <div class="sadrzaj_stavke">Sadrzaj stavke 1</div>
>     </div>
>   </li>
>   <li>
>     <div class="omot">
>         <a class="naslov_stavke">Naslov stavke 2</a>
>       <div class="sadrzaj_stavke">Sadrzaj stavke 2</div>
>     </div>
>   </li>
>   <li>
>     <div class="omot"> <a class="naslov_stavke">Naslov stavke 3</a>
>       <div class="sadrzaj_stavke">Sadrzaj stavke 3</div>
>     </div>
>   </li>
>   <li>
>     <div class="omot"> <a class="naslov_stavke">Naslov stavke 4</a>
>       <div class="sadrzaj_stavke">Sadrzaj stavke 4</div>
>     </div>
>   </li>
> </ul>
> where "naslov_stavke" is part that should be hidden or shown, and
> "sadrzaj_stavke" is always visible. "Omot" means wrap.
> It took me about half an hour to make this piece, but, there's a
> flicker that our designer didn't like.
> "Never mind if you can do it by jQuery. We will copy from".
> Yeah, sure...
> So, I spent next 6 hours yesterday and 4 today to find solution.
> Actually, my idea was same all the time: to fixate elements by
> position: absolute and top property. Here he the list of problems I
> had to solve:
> 1) How to obtain consistency of li elements and children's. I did it
> with <div class="omot">. In some time of development it was crucial to
> have this div. Now, it isn't important, but it can help with styling.
> 2) On which container element to position:relative. The best solution
> is to put on ul element that contains inverted accordion
> 3) How to remove position and top properties. There's no mention about
> that in documentation
> 4) How to obtain proper top values for elements that should not move.
> First, I wanted to do it just for elements that must remain static.
> This will be done after each hover. Then, I decided to recalculate
> top's for each <div class="sadrzaj_stavke">:
> i = 0;
> visine = new Array();
> $(".sadrzaj_stavke").each(function(){visine[i]=$(this).position().top;i
> ++;});
> which gives me wrong results all the time.
> In one moment I have two perfectly working scripts, but one worked in
> up direction, second one in down direction :)
> Finally, I decide to put in work original idea to calculate top's, and
> that's working perfectly (I abandoned this idea because I wanted to
> make more flexible script)
> Minor problems will be masked with images and css.
> This solution can be generally used to solve jQuery animation quirks.
> It can be found on
> PS How to start new threads directly from gmail?

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