Its all good! :)   I knew that ... no really I mean it! :p

Brandon Aaron

On 9/27/07, Michael Geary <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Man, that is some goofy text formatting. I wasn't using larger type for
> emphasis or to be shouting - it was just some kind of glitch that didn't
> show up in the outgoing message. I've seen it happen before, not sure what
> causes it.
> And Brandon, I hope that message didn't come across the wrong way. I was
> just having some fun with the concept of a return statement reaching back in
> time to affect code that had already executed. :-)
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Michael Geary
>  Um, Brandon, so what you're saying is that if you comment out the "return
> false;" in the first example below (making it the same as cmbtrx's code), it
> will fail to display the alert?
> Let's think about this...
> alert() is a blocking call. It opens the alert box immediately, and the
> function does not return until you close the box.
> Since the "return false;" is executed *after* the alert(), it seems
> unlikely that its presence or absence would affect something that's already
> happened. :-)
> The "return false;" does prevent the default action of following the link,
> as you mentioned.
> -Mike
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* Brandon Aaron
> The click event on an A tag has a default action associated with it by the
> browser ... more specifically a redirect to the links href. You have to stop
> this default action in order to see your alert. There are two ways to do
> this.
> The first way: A click handler can return false to prevent the default
> (and stop propagation). To do this, your event handler would look like this:
> $("a").click(function(){
>     alert("Thanks for visiting!");
>     return false;
> });
> The second way: The event handler gets passed the event object as its
> first argument and the event object has a method to prevent the default
> behavior as well. You could also do the above like this:
> $("a").click(function(event){
>     alert("Thanks for visiting!");
>     event.preventDefault();
> });
> Hope that helps!
> --
> Brandon Aaron

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