I like it :) , the use of jQuery FX is, at least for me.. a bit
IMO, you should shorten the name of methods a bit, to make more jQuery-
For example: jQuery.fxQueues.clearQueue, I'd remove the 'Queue' part,
as it is obvious what are you clearing.
Very nice.

Ariel Flesler

On 19 nov, 15:56, "Luciano G. Panaro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> (Sorry if I'm double posting)
> Hi,
> I created a new plugin that reimplements the queueing system, allowing
> the possibility of having global queues for jquery's animations
> (similar to what Scriptaculous has).
> http://jquery.com/plugins/project/fxqueueshttp://www.decodeuri.com/jqueryfxqueues/
> New arguments added to animate:
> * queue: (string) Name of the queue. If it doesn't exist, it creates
> the new queue.
> * scope: (string) Name of the scope.
> * queuePosition: ("front"|"end") Queue position where animation (or
> scope, if passed) is queued.
> * wait: (int) Milliseconds to wait before starting the animation.
> Queues:
> A queue is an array that may contain animations to perform and/or
> scopes.
> Scopes:
> What happens if you needed to enqueue not a single effect, but a group
> of effects to be played altogether? This is where scopes come to save
> the day. A scope is an object that can be contained in a queue. It is
> an array that contains only animations to perform. When a scope is
> dequeued, it automatically plays all the animations it contains.
> This is just a brief introduction, but I hope you get it and find it
> useful. Any comments, bugs, enhancements, ideas, whatever are more
> than welcomed :).
> Thanks!

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