That's pretty darn cool.  I can see a lot of good uses for that in
filling various animation needs.  While jquery is certainly cool in
it's own right, many of us spend much of our time trying to fill the
try-to-replace-flash gap.  This is a helpful step in that direction.


On Nov 19, 9:25 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> Hi,
> Since I needed a global queueing system for jquery's effects for a
> project, I decided to develop it myself.
> The 
> result:
> As the introduction explains:
> "The jQuery Fx Queues plugin is a global queueing (duh!) system that
> allows to enqueue effects of different elements, but also keeps
> jQuery's default
> queueing option.
> A wait argument was also added to be able to
> specify the time to wait before starting the animation."
> The plugin introduces two concepts: queues and scopes.
> Queues:
> A queue is an array that may contain animations to perform and/or
> scopes.
> Scopes:
> What happens if you needed to enqueue not a single effect, but a group
> of effects
> to be played altogether? This is where scopes come to save the day.
> A scope is an object that can be contained in a queue. It is an array
> that contains
> only animations to perform. When a scope is dequeued, it automatically
> plays all the animations it contains.
> To understand better these two ideas, I've made a simple example page
> ( which should (and
> please let me know if it doesn't) be self explanatory about the uses
> of the plugin.
> I would appreciate feedback of any kind (bugs, comments, enhancements,
> things to document, etc.). Hope you find it useful!

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