Is there a particular problem that you are trying to debug?  In the
beginning, I would put console.log in the callbacks (if the method had one)
and that allowed me to see when one thing was be executed.  Another tip that
should probably help, instead of doing.

$('p').css('color','red').slideDown().css('font-weight', 'bold');


.css('font-weight', 'bold');

This, to me, makes it a little more human readable and easier to comment out
a line.

On 12/27/07, Mike Schinkel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all:
> I'm relatively new to jQuery and I see chaining methods touted as one of
> it's best features.  However, I fine it very hard to debug a chained
> method
> because of inability to see the intermedia states in Firebug.  It
> currently
> seems to me to be one of those "sounded like a great idea at the time but
> in
> use not very practical."
> Does anyone else feel this way about chained methods and/or is there a way
> to step through the chain and see the intermediate states and results on
> the
> page while debugging?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> -Mike Schinkel
> http://www.mikeschinkel.com/blogs/
> http://www.welldesignedurls.org
> http://atlanta-web.org
> P.S. Don't take this as criticism of jQuery; and am quite enjoying using
> it
> and generally quite like its architecture.

Benjamin Sterling

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