Hey Rick,

Glad to hear that you're making progress! I'll take a look at the page again tonight and offer a suggestion (and possibly a demo) for getting the content to slide down with that details div.

Only because you asked ... you can find a link to my amazon.com wish list on my Expander plugin page:


(wow, I just shamelessly promoted my plugin AND publicly announced where my wish list could be found. Brazen!)

Karl Swedberg

On Jan 16, 2008, at 7:56 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

I got the changes implemented that you made, Karl
and things are working very well!  I've still got to
study just what you did to see if I understand it.

About the last issue I'm facing is how the details div
and content for that div is displaying.

If you'll go to http://c21ar.wsm-dev.com and mouse over
the "Buyers" menu link, you'll see what I'm talking about.

The div slides in perfectly, but the content, actually being
outside the div (I've got to check that...) is being displayed
before the div completely drops down.

Ideally, the content would drop down with the div.  Any way to
modify things so the content slides down with the div?  I will
look at the code, but without understanding how it's all working,
I'm afraid to make many changes.

Any ideas?

I really appreciate your help!


PS - And I'm still looking for that wish list! You've gone
"above and beyond" helping on this project with the coding and
rebuilding the site demoing your changes and I want to show
my appreciation! :o) Got a wish list on Amazon?

-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Rick
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:53 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Still working out "drop-down div menu"...

That looks great, Karl!

And I see the changing content, also!

Where's your wish list?  :o)


-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery- [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Karl
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 3:18 PM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Still working out "drop-down div menu"...

On Jan 16, 2008, at 7:21 AM, Rick Faircloth wrote:


Hi, Karl... and thanks for the reply!

I appreciate the work you did on the site.

The problem I noticed right away is that when the
link is moused-off, then the corresponding details div slides up.
The details for each menu link will need to stay down until a user
mouses over it and then back off or until the user moves horizontally to a new menu link. The details div is not just for information, but
will contain more links for users to click.

Hey Rick,

No problem.

Let me guess: you're using Internet Explorer, right? ;-)

It was working fine for me in FF, but because of a minute difference
in where the browsers were positioning the top of each li's div, and
because of a  weird z-index issue in IE, it was borking in IE.

Take a look again. It should be working fine now. You'll want to grab the style rule out of the <head> and put it in c21ar-ie7.css and c21ar-
ie6.css instead:
      #image-wrapper {
        z-index: -1;

Again, you can see the test page here:

Karl Swedberg

Hamish attempted to overcome that problem, but with his version, if a
user moves across the menu horizontally, then the details div that
is on display does slide up when a new one appears, so they just
stack up.

btw, generating the details div with jQuery was a nice touch.  Once
I get
past the operational problems of the setup, I'll have to see about how
to get the content into each div.  Perhaps some sort of "include"
each div that pulls in external HTML content.

Any ideas on how to keep that menu div open if a user is mousing
over it,
letting it slide up if a user mouses off of it or letting it slide up
if the user mouses over link horizontally without mousing over the
details div?


Thanks for the reply and the code, Hamish!

You can see from my remarks to Karl above, that while your version
of the
code does keep the details div open until a user mouses off of it,
it also
allows a details div to stay open when a user mouses over the menu

There's no trigger to cause the div to slide back up if the user never
mouses over the details div.

Any ideas?


-----Original Message-----
From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery-
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2008 12:52 AM
To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
Subject: [jQuery] Re: Still working out "drop-down div menu"...

Hey Rick,

I did a little overhaul on your page and got something working.
Changed a bit of HTML and CSS along with the jQuery code. CSS could use some tweaking still, probably increase the top and bottom padding
on the links (and then you might have to adjust the top of div

By putting the divs inside each li, it made it a lot easier to get
each one to show when it should. Since the menu-details div is now in the page only for the visual effect, I pulled it out of the HTML and
created it via jQuery.

Here is the code:

$(document).ready(function() {
        $('<div class="menu-details"></div>').appendTo('#image-
        .add('#ul-index div').hide();

        $('#menu-index').hover(function() {
        }, function() {
        .find('li').hover(function() {
        }, function() {
        $('div', this).hide();

And here is the page:


Karl Swedberg

On Jan 15, 2008, at 10:46 PM, Rick Faircloth wrote:

Hi, all.

I'm still trying to work out a drop-down div
for my horizontal menu.

I've tried various approaches and the closest I've
been able to come to the proper animation so far
(which still isn't correct) is with this code
(written in long-form for now and just
for the first two menu items):

                $(document).ready(function() {


                        $('#a-index').mouseover(function() {
                                var answer = $('#menu-details-index');
                                if (answer.is(':not visible'))

                        $('#a-index').mouseout(function() {
                                var answer = $('#menu-details-index');
                                if (answer.is(':visible'))

                        $('#a-buyers').mouseover(function() {
                                var answer = $('#menu-details-buyers');
                                if (answer.is(':not visible'))

                        $('#a-buyers').mouseout(function() {
                                var answer = $('#menu-details-buyers');
                                if (answer.is(':visible'))

You can see the results of my efforts so far at http://c21ar.wsm-dev.com

The problems I'm trying to overcome:

- the 'drop-down div' works only if the first menu item "Home" is
mouse-over first

- once the div drops, and I mouse-off the link, the div closes...of
course I need it to stay open
unless I mouse-off the link or the corresponding drop-down div

- after I mouse-over the first two links quite a few times, even
slowly, I get an alert error
that states "Stack overflow at line: 1"  What does that mean and
can this be overcome or is
my 'drop-down div' menu inherently flawed?  I have to refresh the
page to get the menu working

- lastly, but my significantly, I've got to figure out a way to have
the system realize what
content should be displayed in the drop-down div based on the menu
link that is moused-over

Would someone care to show me some code that would help with any of
these problems?
If this is going to take someone too much time to help out "vacuus
persolvo", I'm willing to
purchase something off a wish-list or even to pay for some hand-

The problem I face is time... I'm working on a fairly extensive Real
Estate site and I need to
get past this piece of the puzzle. If I can't solve it soon, I'll
just have to go to a regular
drop-down menu, which I'd rather avoid.

I just haven't come far enough with jQuery to code this
myself...it's too complex for me at this



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