On Jan 20, 6:28 am, "Rick Faircloth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks...
> Hey, Klaus (or anyone who might know),
> is there a event setting for tabs in the UI/Tabs plug-in
> for "mouseout"?
> I see that I can use "mouseover" to change a content div,
> and I see that I can use a click to toggle a content div,
> however, I can't find any way to use a mouse event to toggle
> a div.

Hi Rick, I don't quite understand what you need to do. Using mouseout
wouldn't work for activating a tab (which one should get active?).
Actually the only reasonable events I can think of are click,
mouseover and maybe doubleclick.

Do you need to activate a certain tab when mouseovering a certain
area? In that case you could use the tabsClick method...


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