
firstly I would like to say... GOOD work. Your tabs plugin is one of
the best out there.
But I would need (I am sure there are a lot out there like me) two
more functionalities for the plugin to be perfect...

1. Right now the tabs function that upon every ajax load the new
content is ADDED to the DOM (even if the new loaded content is in
conflict with already loaded - same ids for example)
It would be nice to have the option to set tabs to laod the content
into the same placeholder... and to empty its content first (so to
replace it's content and not just add it)..

2. If I have a href= set in my tabs to an url the content of the tab
is loaded with AJAX. this is great. But I need the autload
functionality. First time I am loading the whole html page I am also
loading the content of the first tab... so for me it is unnecessary
that when page loads fully the first tab's content gets loaded (again)
with ajax.
So autoload=false would prevent double loading of the selected tab!

So In my case I would like to set something like this $('ul').tabs(1,
{autoload:false, loadingdiv:'myplaceholder'});

this way I could do something like this:

<ul class="ui-tabs-nav tabs">
        <li class="tabs-selected"><a title="results1" href="index.php?
page=1"><span>Page 1</span></a></li>
        <li><a title="results2" href="index.php?page=2"><span>Page 2</span></
        <li><a title="results3" href="index.php?page=3"><span>Page 3</span></

<div id="myplaceholder">
        <?php include('index.php');?>

so when the page loads... the content from the first page getsloaded
automatically.... but when I click on the second tab the content in
the div id="myplaceholder" gets REPLACED with the content of index.php?

is it clear enough? my enlgish is not perfect soa lot of the time I am
not able to express myself as I like!

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