
As I discussed in a previous post ("unresponsive script error
on long page with many clueTips") I'm trying to trigger clueTips
with a javascript function instead of binding the clueTips on page

Each link calls the clueTip function and passes its unique link id.
Here is the function:

function clueTip( id ){
        var linkid = '#' + id;
        // bind then click

It mostly works on Firefox, except that the waitImage is acting
strangely.  Sometimes it doesn't show up at all.  And sometimes
it shows up but in the location of the previously clicked clueTip!
But the actual clueTip always shows up in the right place.

On IE7 it doesn't work at all.  It's giving me an "invalid argument"
error that seems to be caused by .click().

Any ideas?  Is my approach fundamentally flawed or am I missing
something small?


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