No worries, Karl.  I know you're a busy guy.  Your help
when and if you get a chance is greatly appreciated.


On Apr 13, 4:52 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi again az,
> sorry, I've been terribly busy, but I'll try to take a look later on
> today.
> --Karl
> _________________
> Karl
> On Apr 13, 2008, at 4:53 AM, az wrote:
> > I've made some progress.
> > I think I've discovered why the clueTips weren't working in IE.
> > I haven't been able to find much info about it, but according
> > to this bug ticket, .click() doesn't work in IE:
> >
> > So, I've implemented the workaround described in the ticket
> > and things seem to be working in IE!
> > Here's the updated test page:
> >
> > That's good, but the waitImage in Firefox is still showing up
> > in the wrong place.  It's minor, but I'd love a solution that
> > works 100%.
> > Any ideas?
> > thanks,
> > az
> > On Apr 12, 2:07 am, az <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Hi Karl,
> >> As always, thanks for your help.
> >> Here is my test page:
> >>
> >> On the test page there are only 4 links.  So obviously I
> >> could just bindclueTipthe normal way.  But my live page
> >> will have thousands of links in some cases.  Since that's
> >> a lot of binding, I'm trying to do no binding on page load.
> >> Instead each link calls this javascript function:
> >> functionclueTip( link ){
> >>        var linkid = '#' + link;
> >>        // bind then click
> >>        $(linkid).cluetip().click();
> >> }
> >> which is supposed to bind theclueTipand then
> >> click the link to trigger theclueTip.
> >> Problems:
> >> 1. In Firefox it's working, but the waitImage seems
> >> to be appearing in the wrong place.
> >> 2. In IE7 it doesn't work at all.  It's giving me an "invalid
> >> argument"
> >> error that seems to be caused by .click().
> >> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> >> One final note:  notice that you can click on theclueTiptitlebar and
> >> drag it around the screen.  That's thanks to your help on a previous
> >> post!
> >> az
> >> On Apr 11, 9:28 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>> Hi az,
> >>> Unfortunately, I've completely lost the context for what you're
> >>> doing
> >>> here. Do you have a page up somewhere that we can look at to see the
> >>> whole thing? That would be very helpful.
> >>> --Karl
> >>> _________________
> >>> Karl
> >>> On Apr 11, 2008, at 5:52 AM, az wrote:
> >>>> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> >>>> thanks!
> >>>> az
> >>>> On Apr 9, 1:58 pm, az <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>>>> Hello,
> >>>>> As I discussed in a previous post ("unresponsive script error
> >>>>> on long page with many clueTips") I'm trying to trigger clueTips
> >>>>> with a javascript function instead of binding the clueTips on page
> >>>>> load.
> >>>>> Each link calls theclueTipfunction and passes its unique link id.
> >>>>> Here is the function:
> >>>>> functionclueTip( id ){
> >>>>>       var linkid = '#' + id;
> >>>>>       // bind then click
> >>>>>       $(linkid).cluetip().click();
> >>>>> }
> >>>>> It mostly works on Firefox, except that the waitImage is acting
> >>>>> strangely.  Sometimes it doesn't show up at all.  And sometimes
> >>>>> it shows up but in the location of the previously clickedclueTip!
> >>>>> But the actualclueTipalways shows up in the right place.
> >>>>> On IE7 it doesn't work at all.  It's giving me an "invalid
> >>>>> argument"
> >>>>> error that seems to be caused by .click().
> >>>>> Any ideas?  Is my approach fundamentally flawed or am I missing
> >>>>> something small?
> >>>>> thanks!
> >>>>> az

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