Good news everyone!

I solved the mystery of the missing waitImage.

I'm in so deep that I'm not sure if this will ever be relevant
to anyone else, but I'll post it for the sake of completeness.

Background:  I had too many clueTips on my page to bind
them the normal jQuery way (when the page loads).
So I wrote a javascript function that would bind the clueTip
and then trigger it.  Then I just had my clueTip links call
the javascript function.  That way the clueTips would get
bound on the fly.

It worked except the waitImage wasn't showing up in Firefox.

The problem is that the waitImage location is defined by
these two variables:

mouseX = event.pageX;
mouseY = event.pageY;

I discovered that with my new method, both mouseX and
mouseY were undefined.  I suspect that these variables
weren't defined because the event (in this case a click)
was triggered indirectly via javascript function, instead of
directly via mouse.  Since the waitImage was counting
on these variables for positioning, it never appeared.

So I modified things slightly.  Now the waitImage location
is defined by posX and posY.  posX and posY are based
on the location of the link, not the event, so they seem
unaffected by the new system.  posX and posY aren't
exactly the same as mouseX and mouseY, but they
seem to be close enough that I'm happy with where the
waitImage has been showing up.


On Apr 15, 2:18 am, az <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No worries, Karl.  I know you're a busy guy.  Your help
> when and if you get a chance is greatly appreciated.
> az
> On Apr 13, 4:52 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi again az,
> > sorry, I've been terribly busy, but I'll try to take a look later on
> > today.
> > --Karl
> > _________________
> > Karl
> > On Apr 13, 2008, at 4:53 AM, az wrote:
> > > I've made some progress.
> > > I think I've discovered why the clueTips weren't working in IE.
> > > I haven't been able to find much info about it, but according
> > > to this bug ticket, .click() doesn't work in IE:
> > >
> > > So, I've implemented the workaround described in the ticket
> > > and things seem to be working in IE!
> > > Here's the updated test page:
> > >
> > > That's good, but the waitImage in Firefox is still showing up
> > > in the wrong place.  It's minor, but I'd love a solution that
> > > works 100%.
> > > Any ideas?
> > > thanks,
> > > az
> > > On Apr 12, 2:07 am, az <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >> Hi Karl,
> > >> As always, thanks for your help.
> > >> Here is my test page:
> > >>
> > >> On the test page there are only 4 links.  So obviously I
> > >> could just bindclueTipthe normal way.  But my live page
> > >> will have thousands of links in some cases.  Since that's
> > >> a lot of binding, I'm trying to do no binding on page load.
> > >> Instead each link calls this javascript function:
> > >> functionclueTip( link ){
> > >>        var linkid = '#' + link;
> > >>        // bind then click
> > >>        $(linkid).cluetip().click();
> > >> }
> > >> which is supposed to bind theclueTipand then
> > >> click the link to trigger theclueTip.
> > >> Problems:
> > >> 1. In Firefox it's working, but the waitImage seems
> > >> to be appearing in the wrong place.
> > >> 2. In IE7 it doesn't work at all.  It's giving me an "invalid
> > >> argument"
> > >> error that seems to be caused by .click().
> > >> Any help is greatly appreciated!
> > >> One final note:  notice that you can click on theclueTiptitlebar and
> > >> drag it around the screen.  That's thanks to your help on a previous
> > >> post!
> > >> az
> > >> On Apr 11, 9:28 am, Karl Swedberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>> Hi az,
> > >>> Unfortunately, I've completely lost the context for what you're
> > >>> doing
> > >>> here. Do you have a page up somewhere that we can look at to see the
> > >>> whole thing? That would be very helpful.
> > >>> --Karl
> > >>> _________________
> > >>> Karl
> > >>> On Apr 11, 2008, at 5:52 AM, az wrote:
> > >>>> Anyone have any thoughts on this?
> > >>>> thanks!
> > >>>> az
> > >>>> On Apr 9, 1:58 pm, az <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>>>> Hello,
> > >>>>> As I discussed in a previous post ("unresponsive script error
> > >>>>> on long page with many clueTips") I'm trying to trigger clueTips
> > >>>>> with a javascript function instead of binding the clueTips on page
> > >>>>> load.
> > >>>>> Each link calls theclueTipfunction and passes its unique link id.
> > >>>>> Here is the function:
> > >>>>> functionclueTip( id ){
> > >>>>>       var linkid = '#' + id;
> > >>>>>       // bind then click
> > >>>>>       $(linkid).cluetip().click();
> > >>>>> }
> > >>>>> It mostly works on Firefox, except that the waitImage is acting
> > >>>>> strangely.  Sometimes it doesn't show up at all.  And sometimes
> > >>>>> it shows up but in the location of the previously clickedclueTip!
> > >>>>> But the actualclueTipalways shows up in the right place.
> > >>>>> On IE7 it doesn't work at all.  It's giving me an "invalid
> > >>>>> argument"
> > >>>>> error that seems to be caused by .click().
> > >>>>> Any ideas?  Is my approach fundamentally flawed or am I missing
> > >>>>> something small?
> > >>>>> thanks!
> > >>>>> az

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