Hello, ok... so thou yes it works... and I am thankful for you guys
for helping, it through a monkey wrench into the fallowing code... may-
be some one could give me a hand on "this" ... (thats was the area of
issues before :-)

here is the code with the changes as suggested above...

return /Round_gen[0-9]+/.test( $(this).attr('class') );
  var n = $(this).attr('class').match(/[0-9]+/);
        $(this).each(function() {var $this = $(this);
                var params = $(this).attr('rel').split(':');
                $(this).flash({flashvars: {
                        right_off : ['' + params[4] + ''],
                        left_off : ['' + params[5] + '']
                        .join(' ')
}, { version: 8 }, function(htmlOptions) {
                htmlOptions.src = params[0];
                htmlOptions.width = params[1];
                htmlOptions.wmode = params[3];
                htmlOptions.style = "";
                this.innerHTML = '<div 
                htmlOptions.height = this.firstChild.offsetHeight;
//////there is probly a better way to target come back to (try not to
use .clear_childern) swicth to $this????
                var self = this;

                function doSomething() {
                   var NEWheight =  self.childNodes[1].offsetHeight;
                var resizeTimer = null;
                $(window).bind('resize', function() {
                        if (resizeTimer) clearTimeout(resizeTimer);
                        resizeTimer = setTimeout(doSomething, 3);

this was the way it was.... Which worked...

$('.Round2').each(function() {var $this = $(this);
                var params = $(this).attr('rel').split(':');
                $(this).flash({flashvars: {
                        right_off : ['' + params[4] + ''],
                        left_off : ['' + params[5] + '']
                        .join(' ')
}, { version: 8 }, function(htmlOptions) {
                var $this = $(this);
                var params = $(this).attr('rel').split(':');
                htmlOptions.src = params[0];
                htmlOptions.width = params[1];
                htmlOptions.wmode = params[3];
                htmlOptions.style = "";
                this.innerHTML = '<div 
                htmlOptions.height = this.firstChild.offsetHeight;

//////there is probly a better way to target come back to (try not to
use .clear_childern) swicth to $this????
var self2 = this;
function doSomething2() {
   var NEWheight2 =  self2.childNodes[1].offsetHeight;
var resizeTimer2 = null;
$(window).bind('resize', function() {
    if (resizeTimer2) clearTimeout(resizeTimer2);
    resizeTimer2 = setTimeout(doSomething2, 3);


The short of it is that I was needing to have the first child element
be the same height and it's next sibling... I worked hard to get it
going and I did... the problem the whole time was that I was not able
to target the first child and change the height based on the offset
height of the first child's next sibling... but the way I have it
above did work... and was promising... but with the suggest changes I
can't see a way to fix it as "this" was the issue the first time
around... any ideas on this?

thank you for the help

On Sep 23, 5:16 pm, ricardobeat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> There is no need for quotes as everything is already a string.
> Jeremy, you need to understand what's going on:
> $('[class^=Round_gen]').filter(function(){
> // checks for any element where the 'class' attribute starts with
> 'Round_gen'
>     return /Round_gen[0-9]+/.test( $(this).attr('class') );
> // 'test' is a method of the regular expression, that will test this
> element's attribute 'class' against it, returning true or false. there
> is no attribute called 'Round_gen'
> }).each(function(){
>      var n = $(this).attr('class').match(/[0-9]+/);
>          // again, we are testing the CLASS attribute against the
> regex, this will return the matched part (i.e the numbers in the
> classname)
>  //in here you also want your code for each element, $(n) is not gonna
> do anything as n is just a number, use $(this)
> });
> hope it's clearer now!
> - ricardo
> On Sep 23, 6:13 pm, tlphipps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Just need some quotes around the class name (I forgot to include some
> > quotes in my example too)
> > This should work:
> > $("[class^='Round_gen']")
> > On Sep 23, 4:04 pm, jeremyBass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > So tring to get this going  I did
> > > var n = '';
> > > $('[class^=Round_gen]').filter(function(){
> > >     return /Round_gen[1-9][0-9]+/.test( $(this).attr('Round_gen') 
> > > );}).each(function(){
> > >      var n = $(this).attr('Round_gen').match(/[0-9]+/);
> > > });
> > >  $('.Round_gen'+n+'').each(function() {...ect
> > > and Got it picking up .Round_gen only ... not Round_gen9 or
> > > Round_gen99
> > > I think I'm close
> > > thanks for the help...
> > > jeremyBass
> > > On Sep 23, 11:49 am, jeremyBass <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > So let say the class was named Round_gen9
> > > > I'd replace
> > > > $('.Round_gen9'').each(function() {....etc
> > > > with
> > > > $('[class^=Round_gen]').filter(function(){
> > > >     return /Round_gen[0-9]+/.Round_gen( $(this).attr('Round_gen') 
> > > > );}).each(function(){
> > > >      var n = $(this).attr('Round_gen').match(/[0-9]+/);
> > > >          // the number after 'class' for current element});
> > > >  $('n').each(function() {....etc
> > > > nothing is showing up... so I don't think this is fully right (I mean
> > > > what I wrote)
> > > > ideas??
> > > > Thanks for the help here...
> > > > jeremyBass
> > > > On Sep 23, 11:26 am, ricardobeat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > Using [class^=class] is your best bet, the other option is to loop
> > > > > over all the possibilities and that is a no-go. Coupled with the
> > > > > filter function this will give you all elements with classX where X is
> > > > > a number:
> > > > > $('[class^=class]').filter(function(){
> > > > >     return /class[0-9]+/.test( $(this).attr('class') 
> > > > > );}).each(function(){
> > > > >      var n = $(this).attr('class').match(/[0-9]+/); // the number
> > > > > after 'class' for current element
> > > > > });
> > > > > hope this helps.
> > > > > - ricardo- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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