Hi Alex,

Glad to see you managed to iron the bugs out.

But as I said before, load time is definitely a huge downside to the
website. Are the galleries dynamic? If they are not you could just
cache/hardcode the bar sizes and then load on demand, or just make the
bar sizes relative to the number of pictures, not their dimension.
Took about 30 seconds to load here too (4mbps) but that is way too
much waiting to expect from regular users.

Some points on the interface:

1. It's not clear at first sight that the bars contain pictures,
specially if you hover the ones that display a solid white/grey/black
2. some bars are just too thin, that makes navigation clumsy
3. hover animations could be more responsive, it takes some time to
start fading the image in, and the expanding animation is too slow,
gets annoying very soon
4. there is no indication that the bars on the bottom are an
alternative set navigation, at first it looks like it's relative only
to pictures in that set. some coloring in the main 'barcode' and
repeated on this one could help make the connection clearer.
5. the right/left arrows are too discrete and look quirky, a simple
styled arrow without the vertical bar would be more beautiful and
6. after entering a set, there is no apparent way back to the home
7. clicking the category names at the top is a mistery. I guess it
adds (underline) or removes (no underline) categories from the
barcode, but that is far from intuitive and there is no animation, it
just pops a new barcode instantly

I know this sounds like 'destroying' the original idea of an
innovative interface, but you have to make some concessions, I've been
through that too. It's not like a game where people enjoy discovering
their way through, in this case it's a stone in their path. Great
designs for the web are the ones that innovate but still have a
natural feel to it, there is no guessing or confusion for the end-
user. I'm sure you can figure it out and get this site closer to
perfection :)

- ricardo

On Oct 24, 7:05 pm, pixeline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi mates,
> May i ask you guys to have a look at my latest project,a bit on the
> experimental side in terms of UI : a barcode image gallery for a
> spanish photographer:  http://www.pixeline.be/test/lisapram/
> Let me know of any bugs you find?
> AFAIK everything should run smooth (except for the long loading time).
> Please indicate your OS platform, browser and hardware specs.
> The initial load time is quite long so stick around please...
> Looking forward to your feedback!
> Thanks a lot,
> Alexandre

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