Well, that doesn't seem to be an error but standard browser behavior.
If you switch to a tab that causes the page to not have a scrollbar,
the tabs appear to jump because the browser must rerender the page in
a way as if the scrollbar were moved to the top. The browser just
can't do anything else.

The only way to solve this is to give all tab panels the same height.
This is not always desirable though, thus it won't become standard
behavior but could be solved by yourself. Here's a little tabs
extension that does it:

$.extend($.ui.tabs.prototype, {
    equalize: function() {
        var heights = this.$panels.map(function() {
            return $(this).height();
        .sort(function(a, b) {
            return b - a;
        // set all panels to highest height
        this.$panels.css('height', heights[0]);


$('#container-1 > ul').tabs().tabs('equalize');


On 30 Okt., 21:56, Nicky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think I know what's wrong with the Tabs-script, but not where and
> what needs to be done.
> The problem seems to be tabs that contains less text and doesn't need
> the vertical scrollbar.
> When you have both large and small tabs the error occurs.
> See this page for more info:http://www.sandstream.se/tabs_test3.html

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