Hello all,

I would like to add somes methods like refresh/add/remove item from
list too.


On 1 dez, 05:04, idgcorp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Jack,
> thanks for the reply, yes Im just adding/removing via jq
> Ive created a workaround that solves this one for me.
> Also I just posted another question, I would love to get this new one
> solved its driving me 
> nuts!http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/d10260b...
> On Nov 26, 7:58 pm, Jack Killpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Glad you like the plugin. Can you give me a little more about your use
> > case so I'm sure I know what you're asking for? IE, are you just
> > adding/removing LI's?
> > - Jack
> > idgcorp wrote:
> > > I have implemented this awesome plugin with great success and would
> > > like to know if its possible to refresh the plugin after appending/
> > > removing data from the list.
> > > Can I break the connection and then rebind the data?

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