xAddEventListener is not defined    ======> means there is a script using
another libraries code.

You hqave to remove that script, if your are not using it.
If you do use it, you will have a conflict between jQuery and Prototype,
both are using a $ function.
In that case, have a look at how to run jQuery in noConflict mode.

On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 2:01 PM, David Blomstrom

> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 4:14 AM, Olivier Percebois-Garve <
>> There is a lot to grasp for you, but what you are doing is rather simple.
>> Forget the "AJAX callback" and "onSuccess". This is the answer to a common
>> problem that you dont have,
>> since your not using any AJAX.
>> For firebug, you need to activate the console, and look there if there is
>> no js error.
> OK, I activated Firebug's console, and it reports three errors:
> 1.  xAddEventListener is not defined
> xAddEventListener(window, 'load',
> 2. $ is not defined
> $(document).ready(function()
> 3. xAddEventListener is not defined
> xAddEventListener(window, 'load',
>> then in the bottom line of the console, paste this:
>> $('table').css('border','10px solid red');
>> If your table becomes red, then jquery is there. Otherwise, you to load
>> jquery correctly, with the right path.
> I pasted it in, but nothing turned red. When you say I have to "load"
> JQuery correctly, are you simply saying I need the correct path for my links
> to the JavaScript files?
> After doing this, I copied the source code, pasted it into my static test
> page, then repeated the process. This time Firebug lists just one error (the
> first error listed above). When I pasted the code into the bottom of the
> console, there was once again no effect; nothing turns red.
> However, the table on the static web page is working. The columns are
> sortable and they have alternating colors.
> Thanks.
>> Olivier
>> On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 1:02 PM, David Blomstrom <
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the tips, but I'm confused. You're suggesting I use an AJAX
>>> callback function and initiate the PHP onSuccess. I searched for "AJAX
>>> callback" and "onSuccess" on JQuery's website but found no information about
>>> either one.
>>> I downloaded Firebug, but I'm not yet sure how to use it. It displays my
>>> webpage on top, with the source code appearing in a bottom panel. I don't
>>> see any obvious indications of JavaScript errors.
>>> Thanks.
>>> On Tue, Dec 9, 2008 at 2:31 PM, taylormade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>>> I was having the same problem... It depends how you call the PHP...
>>>> Best bet is using jquery's AJAX callback function and initiate the PHP
>>>> onSuccess...
>>>> i did the same thing here: (use firebug to explore the code):
>>>> (everything in the <tbody> is print()'d by PHP...
>>>> http://www.themeans.info/cms/galleryManager.php
>>>> On Dec 9, 2:24 pm, "David Blomstrom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> > With the help of this group, I got my first JQuery function to work -
>>>> a
>>>> > combination sortable table columns/alternate row colors script. The
>>>> only
>>>> > problem is that it works on my static page but not on a dynamic page
>>>> in my
>>>> > content management system (PHP).
>>>> >
>>>> > The weird thing is that I copied the source code from a dynamic page
>>>> into my
>>>> > static page, and it does work - but only on the static page.
>>>> >
>>>> > On my dynamic page, the sortable column function doesn't work at all.
>>>> The
>>>> > zebra stripes function works only to the extent that any row I
>>>> mouseover
>>>> > acquires a colored background.
>>>> >
>>>> > Does anyone have a hunch what's going on?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks.
>>>> >
>>>> > * * * * *
>>>> >
>>>> > <script src="/1A/js/jquery-1.2.6.min.js"
>>>> type="text/javascript"></script>
>>>> > <script src="/1A/js/tablesorter/jquery.tablesorter.js"
>>>> > type="text/javascript"></script>
>>>> > <script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
>>>> >  $(document).ready(function()
>>>> >   {
>>>> >   $("#myTable").tablesorter({ widgets: ['zebra']} );
>>>> >   }
>>>> >  );
>>>> > </script>
>>> --
>>> David Blomstrom
>>> Writer & Web Designer (Mac, M$ & Linux)
>>> www.geobop.org
> --
> David Blomstrom
> Writer & Web Designer (Mac, M$ & Linux)
> www.geobop.org

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