Rick, first you need to arrange your HTML to allow you to insert the entire
<table> element in one fell swoop. IOW, put the table inside another
container element that has nothing else in it, e.g.

    <div id="scheduleContainer">
        ... <table> and children will be inserted here ...

Then your code might look something like:

    function populateDutyTable(response) {
        var currentDay = '';
        var rows = response.QGETDUTYSCHEDULE.DATA;
        var out = [], o = -1;
        out[++o] = '<table id="scheduleBody">';
        for( var row, i = -1;  row = rows[++i]; ) {
            var day = row[1];
            if( currentDay != day ) {
                currentDay = day;
                out[++o] = '<tr><td class="cell-day">';
                out[++o] = row[1];
                out[++o] = '</td><td class="cell-date">';
                out[++o] = row[2];
                out[++o] = '</td><td class="cell-blank"
            out[++o] = '<tr><td class="cell-blank-day">&nbsp;</td><td
class="cell-blank-date">&nbsp;</td><td class="cell-am-am">';
            out[++o] = row[3];
            out[++o] = '</td><td class="cell-position">';
            out[++o] = row[4];
            out[++o] = '</td><td colspan="3">Cell Content</td></tr>';
        out[++o] = '</table>';
        $('#scheduleContainer').html( out.join('') );

In addition to the other optimizations I mentioned in my earlier message, I
also combined consecutive string constants into one. You may prefer to keep
them separate for readability and maintainability, at a slight cost in


> From: Rick Faircloth
> Hi, Mike, et al...
> I'm having the same problem loading the DOM with a lot of 
> generated HTML and I'm very interested in your approach to 
> generating the code.
> I looked over the example you have at ...loop2.html and have 
> tried to modify it, but I'm afraid there's too much I don't 
> understand.
> My code works, but it's slow when loading the DOM making the 
> browser to "freeze" and I'm afraid that will confuse the user.
> If it's not too much trouble, would you consider modifying my 
> code below to follow your pattern so I can see if it speeds 
> up loading my DOM?
> I would appreciate it very much, if you have the time or interest.
> Rick
> Here's my table building code:
> function populateDutyTable(response) {
>       //First, empty table body of data
>       $('#scheduleBody').empty();
>       currentDay = "";
>       //For each row within the query
>       $.each(response.QGETDUTYSCHEDULE.DATA, function(i, row) {
>               if (currentDay != row[1]) {
>               //Define a variable that will hold the html string
>               var myRow1 = '<tr>';
>                       currentDay = row[1];
>                       myRow1 += '<td class="cell-day">' + 
> row[1] + '</td>';
>                       myRow1 += '<td class="cell-date">' + 
> row[2] + '</td>';
>                       myRow1 += '<td class="cell-blank" 
> colspan="5">&nbsp;</td>';
>                       myRow1 += '</tr>';
>                       $('#scheduleBody').append(myRow1);
>               }
>               var myRow2 = '<tr>';
>                       myRow2 += '<td 
> class="cell-blank-day">&nbsp;</td>';
>                       myRow2 += '<td 
> class="cell-blank-date">&nbsp;</td>';
>                       myRow2 += '<td class="cell-am-am">' + 
> row[3] + '</td>';
>                       myRow2 += '<td class="cell-position">' 
> + row[4] + '</td>';
>                       myRow2 += '<td colspan="3">Cell Content</td>';
>                       myRow2 += '</tr>';
>                       //Append row with names to the body of the table
>                       $('#scheduleBody').append(myRow2);
>       });
> }
> And here's what you coded:
>               $(function() {
>                       var rows = [];
>                       for( var i = 0;  i < 2000;  ++i ) {
>                               rows[i] = { text: ''+i };
>                       }
>                       var t1 = + new Date;
>                       function loadTable( rows ) {
>                               var out = [], o = -1;
>                               out[++o] = '<table><tbody>';
>                               for( var row, iRow = -1;  row = 
> rows[++iRow]; ) {
>                                       out[++o] = '<tr><td>';
>                                       out[++o] = row.text;
>                                       out[++o] = '</td></tr>';
>                               }
>                               out[++o] = '</tbody></table>';
>                               $('#container').html( out.join('') );
>                       }
>                       loadTable( rows );
>                       var t2 = + new Date;
>                       alert( ( t2 - t1 ) / 1000 + ' seconds' );
>               });
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com 
> [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] 
> > On Behalf Of Michael Geary
> > Sent: Thursday, February 05, 2009 10:26 PM
> > To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> > Subject: [jQuery] Re: Optimize large DOM inserts
> > 
> > 
> > "...there is not much room for improvement left."
> > 
> > You just know that when you say that, someone will come 
> along with a 
> > 20x-40x improvement. ;-)
> > 
> > http://mg.to/test/loop1.html
> > 
> > http://mg.to/test/loop2.html
> > 
> > Try them in IE, where the performance is the worst and 
> matters the most.
> > 
> > On my test machine, the first one runs about 6.3 seconds and the 
> > second one about 0.13 seconds.
> > 
> > -Mike
> > 

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