Rick, based on what I've learned from testing, you have another option

Here is a modified version of Mike's code - without generating the

    function populateDutyTable(response) {

        var currentDay = '';
        var rows = response.QGETDUTYSCHEDULE.DATA;
        var out = [], o = -1;

        out[++o] = '<tbody>'; // CHANGED

        for( var row, i = -1;  row = rows[++i]; ) {

            var day = row[1];
            if( currentDay != day ) {
                currentDay = day;
                out[++o] = '<tr><td class="cell-day">';
                out[++o] = row[1];
                out[++o] = '</td><td class="cell-date">';
                out[++o] = row[2];
                out[++o] = '</td><td class="cell-blank"

            out[++o] = '<tr><td class="cell-blank-day">&nbsp;</td><td
class="cell-blank-date">&nbsp;</td><td class="cell-am-am">';
            out[++o] = row[3];
            out[++o] = '</td><td class="cell-position">';
            out[++o] = row[4];
            out[++o] = '</td><td colspan="3">Cell Content</td></tr>';

        out[++o] = '</tbody>'; // CHANGED

        $('#scheduleBody').append( out.join('') ); // CHANGED

A container around the table is no longer required because wrapping
the rows in a tbody achieves the same performance as wrapping them in
a table. Plus, you could now add rows without regenerating the entire
table. This provides more options with no penalty. For example, now
you could hard-code the table with column headers - for example...

<table id="scheduleBody">

This is cleaner and faster than adding column headers inside your
Javascript loop.

I suggest you try both methods, Rick. Use a timer (like MIike's sample
pages) to confirm whether both are equally fast. Based on my tests,
you may find appending to the table even faster, with cleaner markup
as a bonus.



On Feb 7, 3:20 pm, "Rick Faircloth" <r...@whitestonemedia.com> wrote:
> Hey, thanks Michael for taking the time to provide the
> explanation and the re-write.  I'll put this into place
> and see how it performs.  I'm sure it'll be *much* better!
> Rick

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