#1) Yes you are right and I agree that the id should be configurable
from the developer.
This of course requiere a lot of work, but I think I will implemet

#2) Check to see if you have loaded all the needed css and js files.
This is mostley caused that jqModal.css is not loaded.

#3) Definitley I will aplly this to the new 3.5 version.

#4) It is better to send me the configuration.

#5) Little stange. Which version do you use.
Also check your server response what you have in total records


On Apr 14, 7:50 pm, briandus <bri...@virtual-essentials.com> wrote:
> Hi Tony -
> #1) thanks so much for the hint on the readonly field. I must have
> missed that one in the documentation; works perfectly! Howover, the
> row placement being the value of the "id" that is being sent is
> obviously a problem as I can't use that to manipulate my database
> records. Unfortunately, I can't change the field name in the database
> which is named "ID" and I'm using VB.NET on the backend which isn't
> case sensitive. So, I'm having a conflict between the "id" and the
> "ID". But, I have ID defined like this in the colModel:
> { name: "ID", width: 3, hidden: true, key: true, sorttype: 'int',
> editable: true, editrules: { searchhidden: true, index: 'ID', jsonmap:
> 'ID' }, editoptions: { readonly: true} }
>  I was thinking maybe I could just send this field as an extra
> parameter or something. But, isn't the "key" attribute what should
> make it the "id" ?
> #2) I am using FF primarily, but am testing along in IE 6 and 7 as I
> move forward. Yesterday, it was the "Add record" form that was always
> popped open when I opened the page, but since then I added a show/hide
> column window and now it's the one that's showing up on each page
> request. I'm assuming it has something to do with the way I am trying
> to implement the method. I just have it tacked on at the end, instead
> of being inside an event. I guess I need to attach it to a click event
> instead.
>   }).$("#searchFields").filterGrid("#mygrid", { gridModel: true,
> gridNames: true, formtype: "vertical", enableSearch: true,
> enableClear: true, autosearch: true });
> #3) Sorry to hear about the column styling, but I'll be looking
> forward to seeing your new features for that in the future.
> #4)  I have a large grid (about 165 lines)  so I'm not sure how you
> want me to send it. Do you want me to send all of the grid
> configuration or just a piece of it? Here is an example of how I have
> defined one column that needed a select list on the edit form:
> { name: "InterchangeVersion", width: 25, resizable: true, sortable:
> true, sorttype: 'text', editable: true, edittype: 'select',
> editoptions: { value: "004010X098A1:4010 Prof A1;004010X097A1:4010
> Dental A1;004010X096A1:4010 Inst A1;004010X098A:4010 Prof;004010X097A:
> 4010 Dental;004010X096A:4010 Inst" }, editrules: { required: true,
> index: 'InterchangeVersion', jsonmap: 'InterchangeVersion', label:
> 'InterchangeVersion', resizable: true, search: true} },
> The value held in the database (and displayed in the grid) is the
> value on the left of the colon. The text to show in the dropdown is
> the right side. Is this correct?
> #5 ) The other thing I was going to ask also is that on my pager, I
> have 7 total records, but it shows 14. Yesterday it was doing the same
> thing. I had the records per page set to 3 and there were a total of 5
> records, but the pager showed 8. And, it always shows page 1 of 0. I
> was using alert's after the json string was read and it alerts the
> correct number of pages, so I was just curious what I may be doing
> wrong there and what I could look for.
> Thanks so much!!
> On Apr 14, 2:44 am, Tony <t...@trirand.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > #1)
> > colModel : [
> > { name:ID, hidden:true, editable:true, editrules:{edithidden:true},
> > editoptions:{readonly:true} },
> > ..
> > ]
> > Look into the docs for more details.
> > #2) In wich browser is this?
> > #3) Currently not possible. It is hardcoded in the source. Will try to
> > put this in the css
> > in order to be customisable.
> > #4) Could youi plese the grid configuration and piece of data that is
> > populated
> > in the grid.
> > Regards
> > Tony
> > On Apr 14, 2:01 am, briandus <bri...@virtual-essentials.com> wrote:
> > > Hi there -  I am usingjqGridwith ASP.NET and while it has really
> > > taken me quite some time to get this integration playing nicely, now
> > > that I've finally got things moving, I am so pleased. But, I have four
> > > things that I am still having some trouble with...
> > > #1)
> > > I have a table with some hidden fields...the key field is hidden and
> > > named ("ID"). In order to get the field to send along with the rest of
> > > the edit parameters, I had to show the field, but then it shows up as
> > > editable on the form. When I set 'editable' to false, it no longer
> > > exists on the field. More importantly, however, is that there is a
> > > lower case "id" being sent along with the "oper" parameter. The "id"
> > > field being passed is the row id in the table, not the key field. How
> > > can I grab and pass the key field?
> > > #2)
> > > Since I have enabled editing, everytime I refresh my page, the "Add
> > > record" Dialog Box always displays. How can I turn this off?
> > > #3)
> > > How can I style the checkbox column as well as the column with the
> > > Plus sign icon indicating a sub grid? Both of these columns are much
> > > wider than they need to be.
> > > #4)
> > > When I edit a record, the select lists are dynamically populated with
> > > the correct values as per the colModel, but they are not the existing
> > > values on the record. For example, if I am editing a record with a
> > > field value of "ON", the edit form shows a select list with "OFF" and
> > > "ON", but the selected value is "OFF"...rather than the value already
> > > exisitng on the record. How can I correct this?
> > > thanks so much for such a uber wonderful plug in!! :-)

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