Ok..had a brain cramp...I found the delete options..Alright!

Still having trouble with the jqModal forms though...but, things are
definitely moving forward and I'm excited. This is really an amazing
plug in Tony. Thanks so much for your contributions and ALL the help!


On Apr 15, 9:02 am, briandus <bri...@virtual-essentials.com> wrote:
> HI Tony, now that you were able to show me how to make the (my) "ID"
> field readonly, it is now being sent to the server like this:   id:
> (21,7)   - Where 21 is my database key field and 7 is the row
> placement. I can work with this because I can just parse it. BUT, the
> delete method is still only sending the row placement. Is there a way
> that I can add additional data to the parameters being sent with the
> delete request?
> Sorry if it's in the documentation and I've missed it. Believe me I
> haven't closed this PDF file in days and I am pretty sure I've read
> the whole thing a couple times over trying to learn everything for
> this great tool.
> Also, I have the jqModal.css file linked to the page, but maybe there
> is something else missing. I checked in my grid configuration and I
> have closeAfterAdd: true, closeAfterEdit: true,  . . . but, it is not
> closing after successful action. Does this solidify to you that this
> is definitely a CSS issue??
> Thanks again for the help!
> On Apr 15, 12:53 am, Tony <t...@trirand.com> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > #1) Yes you are right and I agree that the id should be configurable
> > from the developer.
> > This of course requiere a lot of work, but I think I will implemet
> > this.
> > #2) Check to see if you have loaded all the needed css and js files.
> > This is mostley caused that jqModal.css is not loaded.
> > #3) Definitley I will aplly this to the new 3.5 version.
> > #4) It is better to send me the configuration.
> > #5) Little stange. Which version do you use.
> > Also check your server response what you have in total records
> > Regards
> > Tony
> > On Apr 14, 7:50 pm, briandus <bri...@virtual-essentials.com> wrote:
> > > Hi Tony -
> > > #1) thanks so much for the hint on the readonly field. I must have
> > > missed that one in the documentation; works perfectly! Howover, the
> > > row placement being the value of the "id" that is being sent is
> > > obviously a problem as I can't use that to manipulate my database
> > > records. Unfortunately, I can't change the field name in the database
> > > which is named "ID" and I'm using VB.NET on the backend which isn't
> > > case sensitive. So, I'm having a conflict between the "id" and the
> > > "ID". But, I have ID defined like this in the colModel:
> > > { name: "ID", width: 3, hidden: true, key: true, sorttype: 'int',
> > > editable: true, editrules: { searchhidden: true, index: 'ID', jsonmap:
> > > 'ID' }, editoptions: { readonly: true} }
> > >  I was thinking maybe I could just send this field as an extra
> > > parameter or something. But, isn't the "key" attribute what should
> > > make it the "id" ?
> > > #2) I am using FF primarily, but am testing along in IE 6 and 7 as I
> > > move forward. Yesterday, it was the "Add record" form that was always
> > > popped open when I opened the page, but since then I added a show/hide
> > > column window and now it's the one that's showing up on each page
> > > request. I'm assuming it has something to do with the way I am trying
> > > to implement the method. I just have it tacked on at the end, instead
> > > of being inside an event. I guess I need to attach it to a click event
> > > instead.
> > >   }).$("#searchFields").filterGrid("#mygrid", { gridModel: true,
> > > gridNames: true, formtype: "vertical", enableSearch: true,
> > > enableClear: true, autosearch: true });
> > > #3) Sorry to hear about the column styling, but I'll be looking
> > > forward to seeing your new features for that in the future.
> > > #4)  I have a large grid (about 165 lines)  so I'm not sure how you
> > > want me to send it. Do you want me to send all of the grid
> > > configuration or just a piece of it? Here is an example of how I have
> > > defined one column that needed a select list on the edit form:
> > > { name: "InterchangeVersion", width: 25, resizable: true, sortable:
> > > true, sorttype: 'text', editable: true, edittype: 'select',
> > > editoptions: { value: "004010X098A1:4010 Prof A1;004010X097A1:4010
> > > Dental A1;004010X096A1:4010 Inst A1;004010X098A:4010 Prof;004010X097A:
> > > 4010 Dental;004010X096A:4010 Inst" }, editrules: { required: true,
> > > index: 'InterchangeVersion', jsonmap: 'InterchangeVersion', label:
> > > 'InterchangeVersion', resizable: true, search: true} },
> > > The value held in the database (and displayed in the grid) is the
> > > value on the left of the colon. The text to show in the dropdown is
> > > the right side. Is this correct?
> > > #5 ) The other thing I was going to ask also is that on my pager, I
> > > have 7 total records, but it shows 14. Yesterday it was doing the same
> > > thing. I had the records per page set to 3 and there were a total of 5
> > > records, but the pager showed 8. And, it always shows page 1 of 0. I
> > > was using alert's after the json string was read and it alerts the
> > > correct number of pages, so I was just curious what I may be doing
> > > wrong there and what I could look for.
> > > Thanks so much!!
> > > On Apr 14, 2:44 am, Tony <t...@trirand.com> wrote:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > #1)
> > > > colModel : [
> > > > { name:ID, hidden:true, editable:true, editrules:{edithidden:true},
> > > > editoptions:{readonly:true} },
> > > > ..
> > > > ]
> > > > Look into the docs for more details.
> > > > #2) In wich browser is this?
> > > > #3) Currently not possible. It is hardcoded in the source. Will try to
> > > > put this in the css
> > > > in order to be customisable.
> > > > #4) Could youi plese the grid configuration and piece of data that is
> > > > populated
> > > > in the grid.
> > > > Regards
> > > > Tony
> > > > On Apr 14, 2:01 am, briandus <bri...@virtual-essentials.com> wrote:
> > > > > Hi there -  I am usingjqGridwith ASP.NET and while it has really
> > > > > taken me quite some time to get this integration playing nicely, now
> > > > > that I've finally got things moving, I am so pleased. But, I have four
> > > > > things that I am still having some trouble with...
> > > > > #1)
> > > > > I have a table with some hidden fields...the key field is hidden and
> > > > > named ("ID"). In order to get the field to send along with the rest of
> > > > > the edit parameters, I had to show the field, but then it shows up as
> > > > > editable on the form. When I set 'editable' to false, it no longer
> > > > > exists on the field. More importantly, however, is that there is a
> > > > > lower case "id" being sent along with the "oper" parameter. The "id"
> > > > > field being passed is the row id in the table, not the key field. How
> > > > > can I grab and pass the key field?
> > > > > #2)
> > > > > Since I have enabled editing, everytime I refresh my page, the "Add
> > > > > record" Dialog Box always displays. How can I turn this off?
> > > > > #3)
> > > > > How can I style the checkbox column as well as the column with the
> > > > > Plus sign icon indicating a sub grid? Both of these columns are much
> > > > > wider than they need to be.
> > > > > #4)
> > > > > When I edit a record, the select lists are dynamically populated with
> > > > > the correct values as per the colModel, but they are not the existing
> > > > > values on the record. For example, if I am editing a record with a
> > > > > field value of "ON", the edit form shows a select list with "OFF" and
> > > > > "ON", but the selected value is "OFF"...rather than the value already
> > > > > exisitng on the record. How can I correct this?
> > > > > thanks so much for such a uber wonderful plug in!! :-)

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