I did mistake my past code, now it seens to do what you want to:
                       meta: "validate",
                       submitHandler: function(form) {

Let me see if i understood you.
You do want to post your form to session.cfm then you do nothing with the
response html, then you do another ajax process to get the tasks.cfm content
and insert into the tag with id newTasks.
Am i right?
If i am this code will work for you.

2009/6/3 johnHoysa <johnho...@gmail.com>

> Hi there, Gustavo,
> Thanx for the help, but it seems to not be posting anything to the
> file now. I will probably look more in-depth into the basics of what
> you recommended to see if I can figure out what I might be doing
> wrong.
> I am also trying to use the following code as well. There is a before
> submit sorta thing going on so I am hoping to toss in my validation
> code and go from there. This is taken example from the Form Plugin
> page and then adjusted a little here and there. So far it works great
> minus the form validation.
>  var options = {
>        beforeSubmit:  showRequest,  // pre-submit callback
>        success:       showResponse,  // post-submit callback
>        };
>    $('#myForm').ajaxForm(options);
>        function showRequest(formData, jqForm, options) {
>                var formElement = jqForm[0];
>                meta: "validate",
>                alert('About to submit: \n\n');
>                return true;
>        }
>         // post-submit callback
> function showResponse(responseText, statusText)  {
>         $.get('tasks.cfm',{},function(data){
>                                $('#newTasks').html(data);
>                                 $('ul:last').fadeIn("slow");
>        })
>    <!--- alert('Submitted and should work?');  --->
> }
> Again to everyone thank you for your time I really appreciate it.

Gustavo Salome Silva

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