Hi anoop  I think you can store the required data in session.

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Anoop kumar V <anoopkum...@gmail.com>wrote:

> I have a menu, on which is a delete link. The URL of the link is quite
> plain: http://mysite.com?delete=true&id=123
> (quite obvious I think that the request is to delete the id=123)
> I wish to hide the destination URL in the browser from the user - so that
> it shows a harmless url like: http://mysite.com?# or similar. The reasons
> are more aesthetic than anything else. Also the other advantage is once the
> user clicks on the link, and then hits on refresh, the request gets posted
> again and because the id=123 has already been deleted, it will just generate
> an error.. Does that make sense?
> I dont mind using ajax for this - but would love if I could get both
> options - ajax and non-ajax.
> Thanks,
> Anoop

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