Yes - but I would not know the id until the user clicks on the link. There
are about 20 other links, each has an id. The user can hover on any link, a
pop up appears with the "Delete" link, clicking on it will call a URL which
is basically the same page (it is a jsp page) which see that the parameter
delete=true and based on that it knows that this is a delete request and the
id to delete is also passed to it.

To some extent I have figured out a way to hide the url. below is the jquery
code: I have bound the click event to the a element....

     var target = $(;
        if ($(target).text() == "Delete")
          var reg = $(this).find('.details input:first').val();
          $.get(window.location + "?delete=true&id=" + reg);

The problem I am facing now is that sometimes the page updates itself to
show the id that was deleted and sometimes even though the id was deleted,
the page does not reflect the deletion until the page is refreshed using F5.

Also I thought the $.get would be an async ajax request, but it seems the
whole page is hard refreshed (even though it seems useless because the id
deleted is still shown on the page, again  - goes away after the manual F5).
I have just tried a lot of things using .load in the success, .ajax, .post
etc etc, but I have the same issue.


On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 1:20 AM, rupak mandal <> wrote:

> Hi anoop  I think you can store the required data in session.
> On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 5:19 AM, Anoop kumar V <>wrote:
>> I have a menu, on which is a delete link. The URL of the link is quite
>> plain:
>> (quite obvious I think that the request is to delete the id=123)
>> I wish to hide the destination URL in the browser from the user - so that
>> it shows a harmless url like: or similar. The reasons
>> are more aesthetic than anything else. Also the other advantage is once the
>> user clicks on the link, and then hits on refresh, the request gets posted
>> again and because the id=123 has already been deleted, it will just generate
>> an error.. Does that make sense?
>> I dont mind using ajax for this - but would love if I could get both
>> options - ajax and non-ajax.
>> Thanks,
>> Anoop

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