In your server side i'll create an encripted string to avoid user edition in
the url. Looks like this:<>

encriptedURL variable contains the string delete=true&id=123 but in
encripted format.

After user click, your application will convert the query params and compare
with encriptedURL content. It's the same, ok? Otherwise display a message.
In ColdFusion I used this code to generate that encripted variable:

<cfset yourURL = 'delete=true&id=123'>
<cfset yourURLEncripted = encrypt( yourURL, 'yourkey', 'CFMX_COMPAT',
'Base64' )>
Marco Antonio

On Fri, Jul 31, 2009 at 6:36 AM, Adrian Lynch <>wrote:

> I think you could do something like the following:
> <a href="whatever you want in here" class="id-123">Delete</a>
> <script type="text/javascript">
>        $("a").click(function() {
>                var id = $(this).attr("class").split("-")[1];
>                this.href = "/?delete=true&id=" + id;
>        });
> </script>
> But this isn't really the solution you want to go with.
> Firstly, if you're using links to delete things, what happens if a bot
> somehow gets into your site and starts clicking on all those links?
> I've heard of people having there admin areas indexed by Google and
> all sorts of hell breaking lose!
> Make this sort of action happen via a POST request, not a GET.
> If in your application deletions should only be done by certain
> people, check this in your code before deleting.
> Secondly, to solve the issue of a refresh happening and causing an
> error, relocate back to the page after you have deleted the item.
> You're right to be worried about this, I know that if I saw a URL
> with ?action=delete&id=101 in, I'd be tempted to give ?
> action=delete&id=102, ?action=delete&id=103, ?action=delete&id=104 a
> try too! ;O)
> On Jul 31, 12:49 am, Anoop kumar V <> wrote:
> > I have a menu, on which is a delete link. The URL of the link is quite
> > plain:<>
> > (quite obvious I think that the request is to delete the id=123)
> >
> > I wish to hide the destination URL in the browser from the user - so that
> it
> > shows a harmless url like: 
> > <>similar. The reasons are
> > more aesthetic than anything else. Also the other advantage is once the
> user
> > clicks on the link, and then hits on refresh, the request gets posted
> again
> > and because the id=123 has already been deleted, it will just generate an
> > error.. Does that make sense?
> >
> > I dont mind using ajax for this - but would love if I could get both
> options
> > - ajax and non-ajax.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Anoop

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