As long as you keep the ID's unique for the separate slideshows *and pagers* you should be able to call same functions  onAfter

duplicate your constructor with the other ID you want to have cylcle on  and change your pager ID accordingly

Ed F. wrote:

I figured out a way to make the "current slide number" work for multiple
slideshows on the same page, but i have to repeat the function declarations
for each instance of a slideshow, like so:

// init for the cycle js
	timeout: 0, 
	next:'#next1, #s1',
	after: onAfter1

function onAfter1(curr,next,opts) {
	var caption1 = (opts.currSlide + 1) + '/' + opts.slideCount;

I don't have the jscript superpowers to rewrite these functions to accept
multiple slideshows. anyone have any advice?

Ed F. wrote:
hi Mike,

thank you for replying. your plugin is awesome.

On thing, in your example, you only have one slideshow on the page, I have
multiple slideshows on the page with the updating count. and I can get the
updated count to work for the firat instance of the slideshow but it
breaks for the rest. any ideas?


// Ed

malsup wrote:
Hi, I'm working on the same issue with Cycle. I have multiple slideshows
a page, each with current/total slide counter, example: "2 of 5 images"
(oddly, there are no examples of this particular implementation on Mike
Alsup's otherwise ridiculously varied and helpful cycle demo pages).
There is an example of this:



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