sorry , your next and prev  ID's will need to be unique, change them iin new constructor

Ed F. wrote:

I figured out a way to make the "current slide number" work for multiple
slideshows on the same page, but i have to repeat the function declarations
for each instance of a slideshow, like so:

// init for the cycle js
	timeout: 0, 
	next:'#next1, #s1',
	after: onAfter1

function onAfter1(curr,next,opts) {
	var caption1 = (opts.currSlide + 1) + '/' + opts.slideCount;

I don't have the jscript superpowers to rewrite these functions to accept
multiple slideshows. anyone have any advice?

Ed F. wrote:
hi Mike,

thank you for replying. your plugin is awesome.

On thing, in your example, you only have one slideshow on the page, I have
multiple slideshows on the page with the updating count. and I can get the
updated count to work for the firat instance of the slideshow but it
breaks for the rest. any ideas?


// Ed

malsup wrote:
Hi, I'm working on the same issue with Cycle. I have multiple slideshows
a page, each with current/total slide counter, example: "2 of 5 images"
(oddly, there are no examples of this particular implementation on Mike
Alsup's otherwise ridiculously varied and helpful cycle demo pages).
There is an example of this:



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