PNG graphics with alpha channels are not an exotic luxury.  For a
broad spectrum of site design approaches - basically anything
involving interesting backgrounds or varying page components over
which dynamic content may be rendered - not having PNG support means
scrapping the design or going to an enormous amount of trouble to do
appropriate GIF versions of border/frame images.

I applaud anybody that decides to make the effort and live within
tight 9-year-old design constraints in order to support IE.  (I think
mobile browsers are a totally separate issue - it's a matter of
opinion, but I definitely feel that for a host of usability reasons
far beyond this or that CSS feature, a good application design for
mobile use is likely to be much different than that for a
desktop/laptop.  Note that I said "application" design, because that's
what I do; content-oriented websites may be different, but I admit
ignorance.) I also understand the frustration and the pragmatics.

On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 9:48 PM, RobG <> wrote:
> On Sep 22, 1:30 am, Mike McNally <> wrote:
>> Advice to "never" use browser detection is good advice, but in my
>> experience it's simply impossible to follow. The bad behaviors of old
>> IE browsers - behaviors that are, in effect, bugs, and therefore not
>> "features" that obey any particular logic - are numerous and
>> pervasive.  Facile advice like "avoid troublesome features"
>> constitutes a grim curse on site design: "don't do anything that
>> doesn't work reliably in IE6" is what that amounts to, and I think
>> that's terrible.
> There are, and will always be, features that are available in some
> browsers but not others. An evaluation must be made whether a
> particular feature supported by certain browsers is worth having so
> badly that it is OK to offer a lesser experience, or even deny access,
> to users of other browsers. Are transparent PNG images *that*
> important? Is there *no* other option? Is javascript the only, or
> best, solution?
> A common fix for the PNG issue is to use conditional comments to sniff
> for IE and insert a different stylesheet that replaces the PNG images
> with others.
> That solution suits some (I guess it suits IE users at least), but if
> the replacement images are OK for IE users, they are probably fine for
> others too. And at the same time life has been made better for every
> browser that doesn't support transparent PNG images (there are likely
> a number of mobile browsers that don't support them either).
> There are always those who wish to push the boundaries of what can be
> done on the web, good for them. However, for everyday business web
> sites, simpler is better and flashiness just distracts from the job at
> hand. In a few years time, well look back at accordions, carousels,
> show/hide effects and such much the same way as we look at blink and
> marquee elements now. They are annoying distractions that rarely add
> to the functionality or usefulness of a site.
> For example, here's the home page of my ISP:
> <URL: >
> The primary purpose of this page is to allow their customers to login
> to the site.
> You'll note that the focus is automatically put in the login field. A
> username can be entered, tab pressed, then a password, but it is
> impossible to navigate to the toolbox button without using a mouse.
> Whoever designed it was clever enough to create those wonderful
> buttons (which always leave me wondering which is on and which is off)
> but was incapable of maintaining keyboard navigation supported
> natively by every desktop browser since Netscape 1.0.
> So you can see that I have a slight bias when functionality is
> restricted just because someone decided to poorly implement a pretty
> UI component. :-)
> Similarly, the second set of login links at the top are impossible to
> use without a pointing device - they can't be selected with a tab key.
> The page is spectacularly bad at the one function it is supposed to
> perform. And they don't use transparent PNGs anywhere! ;-p
> The point here is not necessarily to build every site to the lowest
> common denominator, but to not deliberately do things that break
> functionality that has been available in just about every browser for
> a very long time. Javascript and CSS should enhance the user
> experience, not break it.
> --
> Rob

Turtle, turtle, on the ground,
Pink and shiny, turn around.

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