My apologies to the list managers. I did not mean to belittle their efforts in any way. I only meant to state that for me, personally, forums are not the preferred tool.

I am involved in a number of organizations where the main mantra is the concept of a do-aucracy. If you think it should be done a particular way, do it. For this list, this means that the list managers have DONE it, and so they get to make the rules. I don't pretend to know all the considerations that went into the choices that were made.

But, I find it unacceptable that I have to give my contact information to so that I can use a forum on (as suggested by Andre in a different posting on this thread). For some reason it is deemed "ok" for our account info (and everything related to it) to be accessible by absolute anyone. Whether it is a FaceBook account, a GMail account, etc. I have put the brakes on for this trend and refuse to give my information away to third party sites that have nothing to do with what I'm trying to do. No offense intended to the zoho gang, as I do not know them or their intentions/purposes. But I'll just say no.

My thoughts.


Shawn wrote:
I received this email as well. I don't know if it is legitimate or not tough. Nor do I care. Web based forums DO NOT WORK for my needs. I cannot do a quick scan of topics in a forum without first opening a browser and going to that forum. Whereas with an email list, I scan my email frequently during the day as part of my usual routine.

So, if the mailing list is to disappear, I for one will not spend toooo much effort trying to replace it with a web forum. I can always use the IRC channel when I need assistance.

To be fair though, I can see why there would be a desire to shift away from Google Groups. I will likely take a look at the forum to see what's what, but doubt it fill my needs.

Still, there are other alternatives than a web forum (i.e. mailman).

My thoughts.


Matt Quackenbush wrote:

I received an email inviting me to join the new jQuery forums. It contained a username and password for me to use. However, when I try to login, I am told that my email address has not been confirmed and therefore cannot do so. A link to a help page is given whereby I can allegedly have a confirmation email sent by following a list of instructions. Interestingly enough, the very first step given in the instructions is to.... login. I thought that perhaps I would be able to do so at the link given, but alas an attempt to login there results in the exact same message and help link being presented.

Any suggestions on how to actually login/activate would be appreciated. :-)

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