
I'm not claiming great depth with the JDBC-ODBC Bridge, but I recall having
problems with that driver going against Access (using JRun) after two or
three transactions.  It almost seemed time based, after I'd run one
transaction, I had only minutes before JRun would come to a halt.  This was
using IIS 4 as the web server by the way.  My co-worker had similar
experiences.  I then saw and heard numerous references to the bridge driver
having memory leaks.  I did have some luck with the driver with simple
console based Java applications.  And maybe my code at the time wasn't the
cleanest.  But once we started using Oracle JDBC drivers against an Oracle
database, our problems went away.

So to conclude, I no longer use Access even for prototyping Java web
applications.  Perhaps others have had different experiences?


-----Original Message-----
From: charles arehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 9:27 AM
To: JRun-Talk
Subject: RE: access a MS Access DB from Jrun

Right, we're in agreement. I too have apps built years ago with ColdFusion
and Access that still run with no problem having hundreds if not thousands
of hits per day, but there will be others who'll want to jump in and declare
Access null and void "for production" right off the bat. I was just hoping
to temper that oft-raised debate. They may very well still wade in
responding to Tamas' original note before reading ours. :-)

But I'm intrigued by your assertion that "the problems with the JDBC-ODBC
Bridge driver far outweighs Access's limitations". Are you saying that you
found that you couldn't even do the equivalent application in Java using the
JDBC-ODBC driver? Or in other words, that all things being equal (regarding
volume and nature of access to the database) an app using the JDBC driver
would not perform as well as it might because of the driver itself? (Of
course, I'm again not trying to open the debate of ASP or CF vs
JSP/servlets: I'm referring just to any anecdotal experience to suggest that
the JDBC-ODBC driver itself would be specifically at fault for poorer
performance than an equivalent app written in another platform accessing the
same Access DB.)

If that's the case, then it would seem the conclusion would be to use Access
only for proofs of concept, extremely light load apps, etc, and move to
another DBMS, as you did, for production.

I suppose that was the meaning in the Sun's recommendation to not use it for
"production". It's just that blanch at such overarching statements because
"production" means so many things to so many people. Indeed, the same
argument is made against Access, but as we've discussed that's not always a
fair accusation.

But it sounds like the argument against the driver isn't the same as the
argument against Access. Thanks for clarifying that.

I wonder, given that some would still want to try to use Access in the right
circumstances, if anyone or any company has come out with an alternative
JDBC driver for Access?


-----Original Message-----
From: Fishwick, Randall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 11:57 AM
To: JRun-Talk
Subject: RE: access a MS Access DB from Jrun


Agreed in principle.  But our company used an Access database with ODBC and
Active Server Pages for several years with no serious problems.  This was a
web based telephone number lookup that was accessed hundreds if not
thousands of times a day.  The point being that the problems with the
JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver far outweighs Access's limitations.  We're now using
both Oracle and SQL Server for our JSP/Servlet based web applications.


-----Original Message-----
From: charles arehart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 8:35 AM
To: JRun-Talk
Subject: RE: access a MS Access DB from Jrun

Of course, keep in mind too that Access itself is "not very good for heavy
duty projects". For small volume apps, or in the very early stages of an
app, it can suffice, but there are indeed many benefits of moving to a
better DBMS platform. I don't think we need to open any can of worms about
this. Sometimes people want to demonstrate a proof of concept with something
as simple as Access. Beyond that, they really should consider something more
substantial, if anything more than a few people will hit the DB at any one
time. Of course, that can still translate to hundreds of users per day. Just
be careful.


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Phelps [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:40 AM
To: JRun-Talk
Subject: RE: access a MS Access DB from Jrun

You just need to obtain a JDBC driver for Access.  Sun provides a driver
called the JDBC-ODBC bridge which would work.  You can download it from  I have heard from others on this list, however, that this
driver is not very good for heavy duty projects.  Perhaps somebody on the
list knows of a better driver out there somewhere.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tamas Vertse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 8:24 AM
To: JRun-Talk
Subject: access a MS Access DB from Jrun

I have a Jrun server 3.0 and I would like to access an mdb file from a JSP
file under Jrun.
How can I do it? (My Jrun is standalone. I haven't linked any external
webserver to it.)
I wait your respones.

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