Hello all!

I am investigating javascript libraries to perform live previews of 
customized products in shopping carts. My primary focus is full 
compatibility with IE5.5+ and Firefox 2.0+ without the use of plug-ins 
(including, and especially, Flash) . Mobile compatibility is unimportant to 
me at the moment, but interesting if it is actually possible. After 
investigating jQuery SVG, svgWeb, and Raphael, I found they were either 
lacking in key implementations (for me) of the SVG 1.2 Specifications, or 
they utilized Flash or a different plugin for compatibility on IE. I decided 
to go with Ample SDK as it seemed to be the most hopeful in implementing my 
project given the requirements. I know they plan on SVG compatibility on 
IE9, but my audience is e-commerce, and as such, I can expect may visitors 
on outdated office equipment from IE5.5 onwards for years to come, until 
those machines finally stop functioning.

My background is - started off programming C++ a long time ago, switched to 
Perl in college, then post college switched to PHP. My preferred DB is mySQL 
and my hobbies included D&D, anime, and console RPGs. 

Nice to meet everyone here, and here's hoping I can both give and receive 
advice and experience in abundance :)

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