2011/9/11 xavierm02 <xavierm02....@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I wanted to take a look at WebGL and started reading tutorials about it but
> every single tutorial relies on a library whereas I want to learn "raw"
> WebGL.
> My goal isn't to do some kind of product or to master it. I just want to
> understand the "low-level" APIs so that when I use libraries, I know what
> they're doing and if I ever need to I can take some time to read the source
> code and maybe fix some bugs.
> So do you know where I could learn "raw" WebGL? (I tried reading the spec to
> see the API but this thing is just impossible to understand ~.~)
> Thank you in advance.

If you want to know WebGL, maybe start with familiarizing yourself
with OpenGL ES 2.0, which is WebGL based on. I'm sure there are lot of
tutorials and books about OpenGL. Also there is a quite detailed
description on MDN https://developer.mozilla.org/en/WebGL.
There is also a blog, with a bunch of tutorials only about WebGL at
http://learningwebgl.com/ . And I'm also sure, that typing WebGL into
your favorite search engine will give you fairly good results.


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