Actually, ASP is interpreted and JSP is compiled to Java bytecode, which is
interpreted/compiled.  ASP is written in VB script (a derivative of Visual
Basic), which is always interpreted.  ASP isn't ever written in C++, though
it frequently accesses C++ objects through COM.  The VB script can and
usually does connect to business objects written in C++/VB/Delphi/etc. via

I've done both and can tell you that the two are very similar in terms of
performance, with the edge slightly going to JSP.  The reason is that ASP
code is interpreted, and makes connections to COM objects.  The time it
takes to load or access COM objects introduces overhead and since the
scripts are always interpreted, they run slower than Java bytecode that is
processed on a JIT-compiling VM.

JSP offers a better object model than does ASP.  ASP almost requires quite a
bit of code to be embedded in your HTML.  Using the <BEAN> or <USEBEAN> tag,
it is possible to move almost all processing to server-side objects.  This
means that it is possible to not have any code embedded in the HTML, other
than bean tags.  This makes maintenance and changes much easier, as it is
difficult to maintain code across hundreds of pages of HTML.

One reason that ASP slows down when too many objects are placed in the
session is that ASP objects are usually large memory-footprint COM objects.
JSP, on the other hand, usually places small-footprint Java objects into the

- Kurt W.

                                   Kurtis G. Williams
   Internet Applications Development
                      Sterling Wentworth Corp.
                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                phone: (801) 355-9777 x260
                     fax: (801) 355-9792

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mike McElligott [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 1999 5:25 PM
> Subject:      JSP vs. ASP
> Hi all.  I've seen this thread before, but in the posts I've read it never
> really got answered.  My understanding is that ASP is compiled via C++ and
> that JSP is, of course, interpreted.  Does anyone have numbers on what the
> actual performance differences are?  If ASP is significantly faster than
> it's going to be hard to sell it to the shop I currently work for, but if
> JSP is faster it'll be a terrific excuse to do some fun stuff (read Java
> stuff).  I can't imagine how JSP *would* be faster than compiled ASP - I'm
> just hoping I'm wrong. :)  Does anyone have numbers?
> One other item:  some of the team here believes that ASP chunks when too
> much session is used.  Does anyone know if JSP suffers from the any
> session
> problems?  Or which implementation is the most scalable?
> Thanks in advance,
> Mike
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cfesler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, March 29, 1999 4:05 PM
> Subject: Re: getting access to HttpServletResponse
> > cfesler wrote:
> >
> > >         String redirectPage = req.getPathInfo();
> >
> > Why do you use getPathInfo here?
> getPathInfo() returns the stuff that comes after the servlet name -- so if
> your action is
> /servlet/LoginServlet/~cfesler/thisHerePage.jsp
> then req.getPathInfo() returns "~cfesler/thisHerePage.jsp"
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