David Geary wrote:

> I just finished reading Sun's "Comparing JavaServer Pages and Microsoft
> Active Server Pages Technologies" article from the Java Web site -- see
> http://java.sun.com/products/jsp/jsp-asp.html.
> The article claims that Java provides superior performance over
> interpreted scripting languages. Of course, the article fails to mention
> that compiled servlets are byte code that also gets interpreted. So, is
> there any validity to this claim? Does JSP provide a noticeable
> performance increase over ASP?

I cannot speak at all to ASP (never used it), but I can clarify a couple of things
about servlets and JSP.

There is no absolute general answer about faster performance that applies to all
applications.  However, many JVMs use a "just in time" compiler that translates
frequently used methods into native code.  Because servlets (and therefore JSP
pages) are loaded once and reused many times, it is quite likely that you will
experience a performance benefit from this.

It is not accurate to say that all Java code (servlet or not) is interpreted, in
most JVMs.

> [snip]

> Of course the biggest advantage of JSP over ASP cited by Sun is the fact
> that JSP is platform independent, and therefore more widely supported by
> Web server and application server vendors. However, there are companies
> that have developed plug-ins for servers other than Microsoft servers to
> run ASP. In light of that, how big of an advantage is JSP's platform
> independence?

Can you run real COM objects (without using a bridge) through these things on,
say, Solaris or Linux?  It's not just the language that matters; it is the entire
platform.  Unless you're using native code, all of the Java-based class libraries
(like JavaBeans and many JDBC drivers, for example) will work on any platform,
along with your servlets and JSP pages.

> david

Craig McClanahan

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