Brian Burridge wrote:
> I have posted a list of all those that have sent me name, email,
> company, etc. If you want to be added to the list, please send me
> email.
> Once the list is a little bigger I will try to direct it to someone at
> Sun, unless someone from Sun's JSP development group is watching this
> list anyway.
> Brian N. Burridge
> Web Specialist
> Cox Target Media

I just received confirmation that I'll be heading up two official BOF
sessions at JavaOne this year.  I'd like to devote one primarily to
servlets, and one primarily to JSP.  If you'd like, we can make this
proposed unofficial JSP gathering an official BOF, with benefits such
as an actual room and advertizing outside this mailing list.

I plean see if I can twist an arm or two in the JSP group at Sun.
I'll encourage the presence of other vendors as well.

Let me know.


Jason Hunter

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