I've just got a copy of Advanced JavaServer Pages and it does look very
good, but its not an introductory book for first timers.
Its intended for developers who already know the basics of jsp.

from the preface: "This book begins where most introductory books leave
off.....for most Java developers, this should be their second book that
covers servlets and JSP"

If you don't have much web java background Ganesh, you'd probably be better
moving up to this once you've got the basics.

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert S. Sfeir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Friday, August 09, 2002 11:35 AM
>Subject: Re: Suggestion for JSP book
>None of those.  I went through a lot of books looking for the right
>information.  Only one fit the bill and I HIGHLY recommend it:
>Advanced JavaServer Pages - David M. Geary - www.phptr.com
>This book covers everything about JSP but more importantly it covers
>the right things like:
>Model 1 and Model 2 (MVC) Architecture at length.
>Custom Tags
>Database Connection (Though I wish he had done it using JNDI)
>Event Handling (Form resubmission trapping)
>All the code is available online too, so if you like something he's
>doing you can go pick it up and use it.
>This is book is on my desk all the time and doesn't leave my desk.
>It's always a great reference for a lot of the things we do day to day.
>The other book which is important, but not necessarily related to JSP
>only is called
>Core J2EE Patterns - Best Paractices and Design Strategies - from the
>same company
>> 1. Professional Java Server Programming J2EE 1.3 Edition (Wrox)
>This is not a tutorial type book really more like a reference
>> 2. Professional JSP 2nd Edition (Wrox)
>This is a good book, but doesn't cover the important things in detail
>like the ones I mentioned.
>> 3. J2EE Unleashed (SAMS, Techmedia)
>Anything with Unleashed is kinda scary to me :-)
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