So, I wanted to circle back around to this thread. I think a lot of good
feedback has come from this, and we're looking into making the reactive
framework leaner and better for charm authors. However, I ran a few deploy
tests and have the following results:

15 Dec 2016 00:18:53Z workload waiting     waiting for machine
15 Dec 2016 00:18:53Z juju-unit allocating
15 Dec 2016 00:20:13Z workload waiting     installing agent
15 Dec 2016 00:20:13Z workload waiting     agent initializing
15 Dec 2016 00:20:14Z workload maintenance installing charm software
15 Dec 2016 00:20:14Z juju-unit executing   running install hook
15 Dec 2016 00:20:46Z workload active     ready
15 Dec 2016 00:20:46Z juju-unit executing   running leader-elected hook
15 Dec 2016 00:20:47Z juju-unit executing   running start hook

I did this a few more times on Amazon, and the results were almost
identical. We have 80 seconds from machine requested to booted in cloud.
Less than a second for agent to initialize and 32 seconds to go from
install hook running to the workload being ready and active. While I'm sure
we can slim that down 10-15 seconds by not installing build-essentials the
largest time suck is still the cloud bringing up the instance.

I plan on doing this across all the clouds I have access to, and track in a
spreadsheet. I'll share that sheet out in a bit.

Marco Ceppi

On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 5:00 AM Adam Collard <>

> On Thu, 1 Dec 2016 at 04:02 Nate Finch <> wrote:
> On IRC, someone was lamenting the fact that the Ubuntu charm takes longer
> to deploy now, because it has been updated to exercise more of Juju's
> features.  My response was - just make a minimal charm, it's easy.  And
> then of course, I had to figure out how minimal you can get.  Here it is:
> It's just a directory with a metadata.yaml in it with these contents:
> name: min
> summary: nope
> description: nope
> series:
>   - xenial
> (obviously you can set the series to whatever you want)
> No other files or directories are needed.
> This is neat, but doesn't detract from the bloat in the ubuntu charm.
> IMHO the bloat in the ubuntu charm isn't from support for Juju features,
> but the switch to reactive plus conflicts in layer-base wanting to a)
> support lots of toolchains to allow layers above it to be slimmer and b) be
> a suitable base for "just deploy me" ubuntu.
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