Hi all,

I have been using julia and ijulia for a while and everything worked fine. 
over time I get more and more issues, trying to upgrade/reinstall etc and 
now I can't get it to work at all anymore. As I intend to reinstall osx 
anyway, I was wondering if you good people have any good setup for 
python/ijulia/julia/juliastudio that is simple to maintain over time. I 
want to use one version of julia so somehow let julia-studio use that 
(annoying that they hardcode the julia path to julia-basic...)

I was ambitious to try to keep a --HEAD version of julia but maybe I will 
have to settle for a latest stable pre-release version to avoid trouble.

But I also find that sometimes there are issues with the dependencies and 
libraries, how do you keep those right?....

So how do you people keep julia smoothly updating and working. Are you 
using brew, anaconda, enthought, for the python part, are you using xcode 
compiler or others, are you building julia yourself...

I'd appreciate any help in setting this up for the longer run than I have 
been able to keep it working so far.

Many thanks

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